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99's number 8 and 9 *updated!*

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Grats on 99 cooking good luck on crafting and the all mighty herblore


Thanks herblore isn't bad at all its actually quick once you have everything ready




Raise your prayer! :)
No way dude lol






Very nice :) almost 2000 skill total eh :).
working there slowly buy surely.. some agility crafting and herblore are some skills i plan to raise to get there.. Possibly RC hunter or con cause i'm gonna need some extra lvls lol




I'll prob work on 90 slayer or toward 99mage after 2k total

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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Would I be crazy to say that you have gotten some money from staking? :P




Nice stats :)

could be crazy i don't know ya lol.. Thanks i'm workin on my nooberly stats


I have the herbs in the bank for 80 herblore i need some 2nds and vials and i'm set to go

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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very nice, Good job 11/10(only cuz i dont even have 1 99)


I unfortunetly do not have a real signature but If anybody would be willing to make one for me I would gladly appreciate it.(and just to let u know i'm going for 99wcing)

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