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I think I'm depressed....


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I wouldn't say your depressed really, mate. For one, you've recognised the good parts you had or still have and can specify what it is that's getting you down. I think it's nothing more than that, a slump, if you will. Makes it no less of a travesty, by the way, I do feel for you, sincerely. But, because of the fact you know why things are getting you down, leads me to believe that you can work out the problem as well, and I believe you can mate! :D

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Just talk to your boss about your pay, I'm 17 and work at mcdonalds, and had a conversation with my boss and got a 25 cent raise after 2 1/2 months, people have been working there for a year and still make 25 cents less than me. I know 25 cents isn't much but it's a start. If you work as hard as you think he should have no problem with the raise. And as far as not having time for anything but work, relaxing is for weekends and retirement.

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How old are yuh? That might help a bit.




I get feelings of depression often but it doesn't say much because i'm a teenager and I don't really have any problems, which is why it bugs me so much. :roll:



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

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I believe I'm dealing with it now. If it weren't for my friends that help me all the time, I don't know what I would do.




It's complicated how it all started, really. May even sound stupid to those who just don't understand. It started during a dream, the best feeling I ever had, ever. What happened in it is personal to me, but let's just say that I've experienced love and it just made me think about my future more. After the dream, I felt so alone and it felt like a part of me was gone. I felt hollow. I was a little sad for about a day, then I became happy again for a week or two. Now, it just started back and I'm panicking because I keep getting feelings like I'll never experience this joy again, which I know deep inside that I will. I believe I may be dealing with OCD, too. Thus causing me to worry so much and leading to depression until I "win" the fight within myself and then I feel joyful again.




I even asked a friend last night if she really did care for me, and she said she did. I knew this already, but I needed to ask it to reassure myself.




To deal with it, I listen to music to make myself feel better. Some good ones are:




Good Charlotte - Hold On


Three Days Grace - Never Too Late




Those are two I can name off the top of my head right now, but there are plenty. Just be careful and avoid any suicidal thoughts. You would regret it if you did end your life because the depression makes it seem like hell when in reality it's a good thing.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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It's complicated how it all started, really. May even sound stupid to those who just don't understand.




Mmm, that's so often the case. In time, when you look back on it, it makes you think, "How the hell did that come about?" If someone has the power to do that while in the flow, as in it's still happening, (a very hard thing to do) then it could well help them.

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You know what song I found to help with all my problems?


Revenge I Seek - Bleeding Through, check out the lyrics...HAHAHA. :XD:




Oh..and Demon Hunter is good too, the softer clean vocal ones.



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

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