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Genie/other randoms cause you to drop your items?


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I read on rs wiki that failing to answer genie will sometimes cause you to have all your items on ground! Is this true?




I spend a lot of time merchanting, and have to browse RS marketplace forums while being in game. I sometimes have 50+ mil worth of stuff in my inventory.




I cannot put it in bank because it would make trading too slow to be practical.


I cannot log off every time I search the forums, because they run by so fast its almost like a chat, so same reason as above.




So could it happen to me that I look away for 30 secs and find myself losing all my inventory?




Or are there any particular cases where genie appears? Does he only appear when you train a skill or mine items, or just when you walk around its enough to happen?

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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Never seen it, out of quite a few I've watched, the failures have all been tele-away - not sure if the items get scattered at the other end, perhaps.






One word of warning to repeat... the old dodge of dropping items, getting a free noting service from the certers (Miles, Niles, Giles) and then picking up, will now leave you high and dry, as they now teleport you.

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