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Kiia's Last Jounal Entry


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Dear Journal,




I regret to inform you that... This will be my final entry. I am sorry that I have not had the time to fill you in on the most recent of events... In my last journal entry, I have noted that Raine and I were engaged and was going to tell our friends at the party that was supposed to occur this night. I loved- I love Raine, we just werent ment to be I guess...








I am sorry. My tears are staining the pages. It all started about mid-afternoon today...








I was at my home, with Raine, in Varrock. We were planning the party I had mentioned earlier, when he recieved an ergent Enchanted Letter. It was from a friend of ours, Mathea. Mathea is a wonderfly skilled man, he was born to weild a bow... His letter demanded us to join him at Varrock's Church on the other side of town, and to prepare for a trip into the Wilderness... Once we had arrived, Mathea informed us that his brother, Andrew, was in grave danger and that he would explain the rest on the way. Joining our party was Julius, Hendrick, and Theadore. Julius and Theadore are very powerful knights and Hendrick is Mathea's most powerful mage friend. Raine is part mage, part knight. Skilled with a two-hander yet gifted as a sorcerer. I, on the otherhand, had taken up archery, Mathea and I used range together... He always saw my flaws and was bent on correcting them...




Andrew was only a few hours from the Church but it seemed like it would take forever to get there. On the way, Mathea told us everything. Andrew had traveled to a snow-covered mountain of Ice Giants to train, alone. He had been there for several days went he was attacked by a small clan of assorted warriors. He hadnt been responding to any of Mathea's Enchanted Letters, or anyone elses for that matter...




When we neared Andrew's position, we were jumped by two knights, supposedly form the clan Andrew mentioned in his Letter. One of them was weilding Andrew's sword. I knew it was his, the second laid eyes on it. That sword was a gift from his father to him, as his father laid on his deathbed. Andrew carried it everywhere. We knew then that Andrew was dead, and tried to flee. A fight broke out between the knights, friend and foe, but then Julius was struck down by an arrow- killed instantly. There was nothing I could do but watch in terror as one by one see my friends be slaughtered!












We ran. Raine, Hendrick and I ran. Theadore was the last to be struck down, but as he lay on the ground, he screamed with the last ounce of strength he had, "RUN!! Leave now, while you can!" I dare not record how the enemy archer disposed of him...




I had not a very useful weapon. My bow was broken as I had used it to defend myself from a knight twice my size. All I had was a dagger I stole from the enemy.




Hendrick was covering our retreat with his magic when he was struck by an arrow. Right threw his neck...




Somehow a knight had guessed our path and found away to get ahead of us, he had jumped out from behind a tree infront of me and struck me down. Raine just lept right over me and killed the knight with one blow of his two-hander, leaving it in the body. I could barely walk, as if run, but somehow the pain of the gash in my leg disappeared and I managed. We were clear of the archers persuing us, but not of the mage... It happened soo fast, I can hardly explain what transpired! All I know is that- Raine was unable to carry on. I tried to lift him but he threw me away and screamed, "LEAVE ME!"




"NO! I won't!' I shouted back but then we were covered in fire from an archer that had caught up with us but, with tears in my eyes, I was forced to retreat. I ran as fast as I could. Not knowing where I was headed, but I will never forget his tortured scream on my back.












And here I sit. In the middle of nowhere, bleeding like Hell, in the cold snow. I ran soo hard that I just crashed into a fallen tree to stop myself... But now, as I gaze at the beautiful moon above, I feel like- well, I dont know, but it is a nice feeling.












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