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Cryptek's first Blog [74/80] Cooking

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Well I have never broken 60 with a stat and only have 3 ranked stats :cry: but I have only been playing on and off the last 2 years. Now I have started playing often (daily) and at over 600 total levels and 1m total exp I think it's about time I brought a stat well over the 60 mark because I am finally ready to! :D








My first goal is 80 cooking, and my second is 76 fishing. This way I can proudly make my own sharks! Why do I want this? Well, simply because cooking is the easiest to level and 80 is a nice number to shoot for thats actually do-able, for me. I'll worry about the fishing later. *pretends not to notice the 48 in sig* :-w








So here we are, I stumbled across a short but magnificent guide by Skatepank: Amazing way to train Cooking. Simply buy tuna at a general store, cook, and sell back. Sell noted logs, and buy back for fire to cook. When shop runs out of tuna, switch worlds, and since its f2p, bots will restock with more tuna! I still need 6 more levels until I don't burn tuna anymore, but it's still worth it. I started a couple days ago with 38 cooking and already reached 58. My goal, of course, is to reach 80! That's 17,512 more tunas I need to cook. Not too bad ::'








Here is the start: July 26, 2007 @ 1:35 AM












Here is my progress:












Well, I guess that's it for now! This is my first blog and my first stat that's going to break 60, so I guess it's safe to call me a noob. :cry: However, with your support I can be well on my way to a higher status! :wink: Please post any suggestions you have, help, criticism, or a nice little bit of encouragement. I don't have much to brag about at the moment, but I will soon, hopefully.








Thank you very much for viewing my blog!

I know it's not much, but I'm trying. To me, it's a lot



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Thanks a lot! I am in desperate need of money so maybe that will solve my problem! Fishing is a lot harder than cooking though...but I think I'll be up for it. As for my current goal, it seems like the dynamic images from draynor and leetscape don't want to update...do they only update once a day or something? I thought it was my cache but I know thats not it. For example, I am lvl 50 fishing and 65 cooking, but my sig still says 48 and 57. I'll have to see at the end of the day if they update, and my question will be answered.








As for my goal, I spent 3 hours and 31 minutes spending close to 50k gold buying and cooking tuna. Thank god I couldn't smell it! I visited a total of 19 worlds, and 5 more that had no tuna to offer. I gained 217,480 experience and 7 total levels. :D That's more XP then I have in any other stat, save mining....I'm very excited!








I went through 12 random events, 11 of them from making fires, only 1 while cooking. I used 77 of my own willow logs, and some more that were in the shop. All in all, it was quite productive! I went from 11% complete to 23%!! The weekend will be much slower, I don't think I will be in the 70's till next week, but we'll see. I don't burn tuna anymore ::'













I know it's not much, but I'm trying. To me, it's a lot



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Hey man, dont worry, not much people here will call you noob or anything (some people might tho) Just stick to your goals and noone can fault you








Are you a memb thats just training on non memb?








Goodluck too! Fishing isnt hard! just boring lol








Ull be at 80 in notime :D










Click for my blog ^ :)


All tipiters feel free to add me! Always looking to meet someone new.

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Yes, I am a member thats using f2p worlds because apparently only f2p worlds have tuna in the karamja general shop. I don't understand it, but I know its true. Thanks for the encouragement :D




The weekend was kinda slow, I was away for most of it, but I was able to fish 500 lobbies and sell for over 100k (I was short on money) so I could do some more cooking.




Here's the overview: I visited 8 worlds and 12 more that had no tuna to buy. I went through 9 random events, gaining my third frog token. I spent a total of 3 hours and 2 minutes and 31.5k gold. I gained a total of 195,220 and 3 total levels. I now have more than twice my xp of nearest stat. 32.611% complete!




Hopefully I'll break 70 tomorrow. Thanks for viewing!

I know it's not much, but I'm trying. To me, it's a lot



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