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..::|[ Sig Knight's Blog! Road to 99 magic, GOF STYLE ]|::..

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Welcome to my blog on the way to 99 magic and beyond!


i'll log here my kills and share my experience with people who want to complete this goal aswell =]






[hide=Who the hell do you think you are?!]




Hello, i'm Sig-Knight. playing since around 2003, first chacter got a scythe, yet i dont know its pass anymore. Sig-Knight is a bit more recent, since about 2005 or so. IRL i'm 14 years old, like computers and a bit of sports, favorite color is black, loves metal, death, melodic death, and black mostly. I live in Israel, and i got to say its a cool country. I have a brother and a sister, both older then me, and a fat labrador that reminds me of pig more then a dog. i love to travel and i'm a YCT in my school (young camping tutor, free translation from hebrew excuse me ^^) prefers liquers above beer and.. thats it =]






[hide= Goal And Process]


when i said i want to get 99 magic, people said "alch it", "alch all the way" "alch ftw! do it!" but i said to myself, "hey, i'm a proud GOF! why would i alch it all, if i can kill monsters?!" and dont get me wrong, i dont disrespect people that alches all the way to 99 magic, its that i prefer to have more risks in the way to my goal, to enjoy it more when achiving it. i could alch and know if i get profit or lose a few mils, or i can buy supplies to 90 for 27m, without knowing if i'm gonna lose that money or get a profit after i'm done, and please dont think i'm mad, its the way i do things =] i will also alch, because its fast and nice, but my main exp maker will be monster killing.




To 80 i'll steel be at steel dragons, hoping for drops






To 90 i'll mix in alching, and barrowsing.






To 99 i'll add DKing, so i will be getting money back from the process.





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