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Autoer Solution (Looking into the roots of the Auto-Problem)


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Look , after i read this topic it pop-ed a great idea in my head








in this thread the ex-cheater tells us what autoers are made for and what does jagex need to do to to destroy thier roots . And a ex-cheater probably knows how autoers work better than most of us . ( I think )




this is the thread which was written , now ...


He is suggesting the Gp to Real life money thing stops , that is a possibility !


Correct me if im wrong at any point .


Jagex should improve thier unbalanced trade dectection system . So that the autoers cant transfer the commodity/item or the GP to the main .


What i think is the problem is ... i have no idea how macroers work but i think that what should happen is when you trade unfairly jagex can dectect it if you are offering more than the price in the Dectection system , and the dectection system should have the market price in it .


I think flax sells for 5 gp at the store , so it cannot be dectected as a unfair trade as the main will probably pay the autoer that much and jagex wont find out . And if that has a flaw , jagex should find a way to stop Real life trading completely , here are a few ways :




Stop the Autoer transfering the item to its main through the dectection system , Stop the main from selling the item to the real life buyer or the autoer selling anything to the real life buyer directly , after all most auto either for real life money or to make their mains better (I think) . And the more gold in RS doesnt cuase inflation and destroy the economy , when mass amounts of GP is distributed or mass amounts of items are then inflation starts becuase the increasing number of them in the game .




So ... Jagex should


Somehow stop the item/GP leaving the Macroers account in the first place so that they cannot have any impact , or somehow find out the Main account where all the autoers transfer thier items to , and ban it .




Though there is 1% chance that this would happen , and jagex would probably have thier own reasons for not doing it . But they should hire people to look into real life trading sites and somehow fool them when they are transfering the money and directly ban them .






So in Summary : The Basic idea is ... Stop the stuff from leaving the auteors account in the first place . They should make it in a way that you cannot even complete a unfair trade . As in the trade cannot be completed if its unbalanced . and they should hire someone (if they can , taking into account all aspects to it such as economic , ect .) to monitor the market prices from a reliable source , perhaps make a own guide like the Zybez.com price guide and have thier systems based on that .




Note : This is my opinion and it may be flawed , please point out any mistakes if i made any and ill review my idea . If you cannot understand what i had just said then ill edit my post and make it easier to understand .

heh, welcome to the world of noobscape, its made up of purescape, autoscape, and sadscape, it makes up 60% of all of runescape :(



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Oh and i fogot while making my post about people who want to lend items to others or borrow them would need to first send a message to jagex that they are doing so , and incase they got banned the message could be used as proof ...




And there should definatly be a limit to this lending thing that you cant lend more than 50k in a day or something like that to stop RLT (Real life traders) to also pretend as if theyre lending . And if they are borrowing they should also be a message sent to Jagex . And Real life traders usually trade in millions if im not wrong ? , so the limit would slow them down considribly and making hte game less profitable so theyll probably start macroing another game .

heh, welcome to the world of noobscape, its made up of purescape, autoscape, and sadscape, it makes up 60% of all of runescape :(



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The "root" of the autoing problem is that ppl like runescape...




some like it, but hate to do work so they use autoers or buy runescape gold that the autoer master got by using autoers






the only "true" way to stop autoers is too make runescape an undersiable game to play (jagex is doing a good job making it for 3 yr olds by adding "X...." to everything. what next? "walk to X!")




so either shut the game off or make it so horrible no one wants to play are the only "solutions" to autoing.

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Thanks for the acknowledgement of my existence!




Since I think the idea of running a check of an item price versae the actual sale price is infeasible (imagine telling a friend that you'd sell him yews for half the market price and then having both your accounts banned), so I'll be focusing mainly on the prevention and banning of real world traders.




Jagex already has a somewhat advanced system designed to monitor what physical computers are linked to what players, although it can be easily circumvented.




The first time you download the RuneScape client, when the loader finishes downloading, it creates a hidden file on your system which contains a number called a UID. Every time you log into an account, Jagex will record the UID used to sign into that account. This way, if you use multiple accounts, even with a SOCKS proxy, if you don't wipe your UID file or reinstall Java every time you switch to another account, Jagex will know who you are. Also, contrary to popular belief, Jagex never, ever IP bans. Instead, of you've committed an offense serious enough, Jagex will flag all accounts under your UID, and monitor them for cheating activity. If they are able to link two or more accounts to cheating activities under the same UID, they will ban all accounts with that UID. This is how Jagex is able to ban the mains of macroers who are not smart enough to wipe their UID. Unfortunately, many of the more professional macroers know all about UIDs thanks to tutorials of myself and others, and wipe them every time they switch accounts. In other words, UIDs serve little purpose other than serving as natural selection for eliminating the weak and stupid from the macroing gene pool.




Also, you cite shutting down real life trading or GP buying sites. Unfortunately for Jagex, as they are a legitimate company, they can't resort to guerrilla methods. In fact, for this purpose exclusively, many cheating sites force users to accept a disclaimer stating they are not an employee, family member, affiliate, or in any way whatsoever linked to Jagex Ltd. to enter.




Another common misconception is that GP sites are the only way that cheaters operate. It's actually considerably less clandestine than that. There are actually a few very large popular forums where the vast majority of cheaters hang around. These forums are exclusively for cheaters with the most popular having over 1 million registered members, although it usually has only 500-1000 members active per day. At these sites members are given helpful advice on how to start cheating and macroing, given an overview of popular bots and good scripts to use with them, are introduced to "black markets" where they can buy and sell GP, accounts, services (such as firecaping and skill training), and stuff like that. It's very friendly and open and the exact opposite of what many people think of as the "underground" for RuneScape cheaters. This is where most common cheaters go to cheat and trade GP, instead of the occasional player buying mils at a GP site.




Thanks again for posting your ideas, but I doubt Jagex will really bother to implement them. I mean, even though they act like they're strictly against macroing, they have very good reasons not to be as vigilant as they could be about it. Many macroers buy members for theirs bot accounts because with the GP they make they can sell back as a profit in USD, and continue macroing before they're banned. However, from Jagex's point of view, they get $5+ in registrations from macroers, they find the macroers after a few days, ban them, and then immediately get $5+ in registrations from the same macroer setting up another bot. It's very lucrative to Jagex and gives them a good reason for not being very harsh banning macroers.



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