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My godsword pure in YOUR HANDS!


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Ok,so heres the deal,i used to be 60 70 1,and I pked alot,and staked quite a bit..


Recently I have purchased a bandos GS for my pure...


NOW I am 75 73 1,with 73 hp and 43 prayer and 72 range,at lvl 71.




My question is this,should I sell my godsword for enough chinchompas for 99 range?If I did do it,I could easily afford 99 range with chinchompas.


Calculated out I would be about 75-78 combat with 99 range




OR should I keep my GS and just keep raising str and raise range with my 30k iron knifes I have.lol.Would I KO more with a godsword and 85+ str and high combat,or should I stay around 75 combat,sell my godsword,and get 99 range.

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