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Sara's hunting her way to 99

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my name on rs is lovethatsara. I've been looking on tip.it for the longest time and finally decided to join!. I hope to make many new friends.






[hide=Blog]10.01.07 - I am walking through Feldip Hills. I find a perfect spot. It's a little chilly but there seems to be a lot of red chins out. I am suprised there is only one hunter out here. I lay down my box traps and the other hunter gets mad.


"I don't want to talk to you."he says. "That's fine" I reply, "It will be nice to hunt quietly". He asks what my hunter level is, then proceeds to tell me I am in his territory. I continue to hunt quietly and he picks up his traps and leaves. After a while I need to stop and eat. When I return i meet a hunter from New Zealand. His power kept going off so I'd pick up his traps for him and return them when he came back. By this time I felt like I was putting up more traps then actually catching anything. I think to myself, " Does smoking traps actually work?" If it doesn't thats okay at least I have my hunting outfit on. It's been a long night and I will have to continue to hunt in the morning. I have gone from 72 hunter to 75 hunter




10.02.07 This morning I awake and start my hunting journey again. I go down to my hunting spot. Hurray! all to myself. The red chins eagerly jump into my traps. Its a little hard to keep up with them. I really havent noticed a difference from not smoking the traps anymore. I run from one trap to the other talking to other friends. Its very quiet today in the hills. I look at my clock and realize I'll have to hunt later. Work calls. I am 20 chins from 76 hunter


I go back hunting and I get my 20 chins, I am happy to get my 76 hunter.


A 99 hunter comes by and I decide to chew his brain. What's the fastest way to 99 hunter? Seems like an interesting guy from what I can tell. He leaves and I go back to setting up my box traps. Its late at night and I am getting tired. By the time I reach 77 hunter I am ready for bed.


Todays goal reached : lvl 77




10.03.07 Good Morning. I need 579 red chins for 78 hunter. oh my god! that seem's like a big number. I feel like it seems like it is going slower than before. I think to myself man... if I could get 1 level a day I could be finished with hunter in 22 days, 3 weeks... I highly doubt that is going to happen. I pop on and set my traps. Another hunter upset because I set my traps down. He no longer has the area to himself. He packs up his marbles and leaves. Can't we all get along? More to share later....[/hide]




I'll add more later =) Hope you had fun.

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