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..... my title is perfect... it says "a f2p bank"... its not saying "im an f2p, heres my bank".... the bank is MY bank and im now f2p making it a "f2p bank".... sorry that most people read it and assume im only f2p and im lieing and what have you but life is life, my bank is mine, hate me but I got the goods. lates \' :thumbsup: :boohoo:



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..... my title is perfect... it says "a f2p bank"... its not saying "im an f2p, heres my bank".... the bank is MY bank and im now f2p making it a "f2p bank".... sorry that most people read it and assume im only f2p and im lieing and what have you but life is life, my bank is mine, hate me but I got the goods. lates \' :thumbsup: :boohoo:


I didn't say there was anything wrong with your title, i just suggested you change it to stop everyone elses incorrect assumptions. Still seems like a good idea to me.


My capes in the order they were achieved

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