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Whats The Scariest Place You Have Ever Been To?


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Whats the scariest place you've ever been to?




Well, my aunt lives across the street from a cemetary and in the middle of her house she has a courtyard, and in this courtyard is a chair-swing. One night when I went to use the bathroom, something was in the chair swinging it. I was freaked out and slept with the lights on all night.




Another place is 3 years ago we were at campground near the beach but to get to the beach you have to pass a wooded area. Its ok to pass through in the day but at nighttime its pitch black and there are mountain lions that pass through there. One night, me and my cousins were walking through all the paths of the wooded area we could find and as we were walking we found a bed of newspapers with tons of womens clothes scattered everywhere. So we think nothing of it and continue walking. Later the same night, some guy keeps following us and he has his flashlight directly on us. As we get back to the campsite, he leaves and we tell the family of our findings. The next day, we were waking up and tons of police and CSI were on the path to the beach. I asked what happened and they said someone was murdered along the same path we were on the previous night. Im too freaked out to even walk alone on that path, so whenever I go through I have to have at least 3 people with me to feel somewhat safe.






So, where's the scariest place you've ever been to?

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