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VB help needed


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Hey there, i am currently working on a Visual Basic 6.0 project for school, and i have run into a little problem here that i need assistance on.








I won't go into details on the assignment, because its irrelivent, i'm simply having a problem with my error handling on it. I need to provide a message box popup that will display if none of the 3 options buttons in a frame are selected.








I was thinking about how i was going to do this for quite some time, and the best idea i could come up with was to do this...








Dim int1, int2, int3, intTotal As Integer

If optOverNight.Value = False Then

 int1 = 1

ElseIf optDays.Value = False Then

 int2 = 2

ElseIf optWeeks.Value = False Then

 int3 = 3

End If

intTotal = int1 + int2 + int3

If intTotal = 6 Then

 MsgBox "You must select a delivery option, vbOkOnly, "Error"

End If








But this code obviously did not work, so i was wondering if anybody had another idea i could try. I feel like i am making this harder than it actually is, so someone hitting me with some common sense would be much appreciated.

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Hey there, i am currently working on a Visual Basic 6.0 project for school, and i have run into a little problem here that i need assistance on.








I won't go into details on the assignment, because its irrelivent, i'm simply having a problem with my error handling on it. I need to provide a message box popup that will display if none of the 3 options buttons in a frame are selected.








I was thinking about how i was going to do this for quite some time, and the best idea i could come up with was to do this...








Dim int1, int2, int3, intTotal As Integer

If optOverNight.Value = False Then

 int1 = 1

ElseIf optDays.Value = False Then

 int2 = 2

ElseIf optWeeks.Value = False Then

 int3 = 3

End If

intTotal = int1 + int2 + int3

If intTotal = 6 Then

 MsgBox "You must select a delivery option, vbOkOnly, "Error"

End If








But this code obviously did not work, so i was wondering if anybody had another idea i could try. I feel like i am making this harder than it actually is, so someone hitting me with some common sense would be much appreciated.








Dim selectSomething

selectSomething = (optOverNight.Value Or optDays.Value Or optWeeks.Value)

If Not selectSomething Then

 MsgBox "Please select a delivery option first", vbOkOnly, "Error"

End If








Should work. Using Or makes sure that if any of them is true, the selectSomething value is true too. I may be off a bit with braces and such, it's been some time since I wrote VB :).

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I'm curious though, how where you able to declare the "selectSomething" Variable without giving it a "type". What i mean is using

Dim selectSomething As Integer

for example?








We have not used this sort of code in our class yet, so i was just wondering, incase the teacher wants me to go into detail on what code i used and how it works(she tends to do that).

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Ah right. Declaring a variable without a type gives you a variable of type Variant, which can basically become anything. I forgot the typedeclaration, to be honest, because I'm more used to write stuff in JavaScript or php now, both of which either don't have or hardly ever use typed declarations.








In this case, you could also use:




Dim selectedSomething As Boolean




A boolean datatype can only be true or false, in case you didn't use that stuff yet.








I should also note that your own example didn't work because you used:
















End If








It would have worked if you used








End If








End If








End If








This is because elseif blocks only get executed if the if-condition fails. So in your own code, the code after the first elseif only got executed if the first option was true, and the code after the second one only if both the first option and the second were true. Which is impossible.




Moral of the story: don't use elseif just because you have another if just before it which is very similar ;).








Using Booleans is neater in this case, as you may have noticed.








Something else you should note is that if you give your variables decent names, code makes more sense and becomes easier to read if you do:




If Not somethingWasSelected Then ...




Instead of:




If somethingWasSelected = False Then ...








Both give the same result when handling the boolean datatype. Using the Not operator (it's an operator) on an integer may give funny results. I wouldn't know exactly what would happen (maybe the code wouldn't even run, can't recall that).

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