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Correction: skill guide construction.


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It seems that jagex has changed the prices able to be stuffed into treasure chests unnoticed, I've double checked it and came to the result that they indeed can now store less money. :(




the information needed to be modified can be found in the games room, at this time it read the following for a mahogany treasure chest in your games room: "Put prize for minigame winner inside. Limit 50K gp"




The maximum you can store in this chest now is only 1500gp.




I also noticed that most of the other info on treasure chest in the skill guide, don't contain info on how much they can hold, so here is a list of all the chests that you can make with construction and the extra info that people might like to read about. (info can also be found in the knowledge database)




Games Room:


Oak Prize Chest --- 500gp


Teak Prize Chest --- 1000gp


Mahogany Prize Chest --- 1500gp




treasure room:


all chests can only contain 1500gp


there is also a 5 min wait time untill you can store money in it again.




I hope this help.





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