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New LootShare Options


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I've been reading over the forums recently about how people think that monster hunting will soon be dead because you can't share through trading etc. LootShare seems to be quite unpopular and the problem is that before long people will have no choice but to use it fi they want to share drops between clan members.




Say that it's January and the unbalanced trade rule has been introduced, you kill the KQ in a team of 5 and it drops a D Chain. LootShare is on so 1 person gets the D Chain and the other 4 are left with next to nothing. The one person sells it and gets 15M (I'm not sure of the actual price), but is unable share the money, because of unbalanced trade limits, so here is my suggestion to fix this...




My Solution




Within the clan chat system there is the option to turn LootShare on, as the leader of the clan. Next to this there should be a choice of two options, Share as Item or Share as Gp. The Share as Item option, keeps things as they are now. The Share as Gp option converts the item dropped to gp automatically (using the prices set by Jagex) and shares it evenly between team members. If you select Share as Gp then there would be a sub-option to Share Gp in Proportion. This option shares the money between clan members based on the amount of damage they actually did and the percentage of health they took from the enemy monster is the percentage of the money they get.




So back to this KQ scenario. Using the Share as Gp option, without the Share in Proportion option on, you kill the KQ and it drops a D Chain. This D Chain is instantly converted to 15 Mil gp and shared between the 5 team members so each player gets 3 Mil from it and the inability to trade large sums of gp between players is no longer a problem.




However, if you are in a team of 5 who kills the KQ and there are only 3 players doing all the work while the other two are slacking off, then it is only fair that the 3 hard workers get more of the total gp. So this is where the Share Gp in Proportion sub-option comes in to play. There is this team of 5 again, they kill the KQ as usual but with the Share Gp in Proportion ON. I will now refer to the team/clan members as Players 1-5. Player 1 works hard and takes out 40% of the total health of the KQ. Player 2, also does his bit, taking off 25% of the health. Player 3 does just as well taking out 25% more. However, Players 4 and 5 are lazy and only manage to take off 5% of the total health each.




So Player 1 naturally gets the greatest share of the total 15 Mil, he gets 6 Mil gp as this is 40% of the total loot and is equivalent to how much damage he did. Players 2 and 3 both took out 25% of the health, earning 3.75 Mil each for their efforts. Players 4 and 5 had little influence on the battle, only taking out 5% each and earning them 750K each for their efforts. This sounds like a fair bit, but considerng how much more they could've earned it acts as a good incentive to try harder next time.








  • A new option, Share in Gp and under it the sub-option to Share Gp in Proportion
    Dropped items are converted to money and shared evenly between team members
    The Share Gp in Proportion sub-option which will share more money to those that did more work




End Note




The idea of this is to fix the problem of not being able to share the money earned from killing a monster, without giving RWTs etc, a loophole to exploit. I used the KQ as an example but for going to places such as the Godwars dungeon and Dag Kings, I think this would come in handy. Especially when there are Godsword shards as drops which are valued very highly and the inablilty to share the glory of these items could be devastating for even the most tight-knit group.




Remember that this would only be a new option and if you still wanted LootShare to work the way it does now, then you would be free to do so :roll: .

Now using account called "BillyV2" instead of this one

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man even tho i dont do that stuff, that is an awesum idea!!! :D :D :D :D :D




Thank you :) , I haven't personally used LootShare but I looked over the responses its been getting lately from people who do monster hunt a lot and it became evident that it needed some fixing.




Obviously everyone would use "share in gp" whcih means you dont even get the drop, which means prices will go up




You're right, this could potentially be a problem. A solution to would be that, in selecting Share as Gp the item is put up for sale at market price on the Grand Exchange. Instead of having the Gp Shared instantly, you wait until it is sold to someone and then the money is split between the team members to be picked up next time they go to a bank or the GE.

Now using account called "BillyV2" instead of this one

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