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The Entrana Chronicles (give your opinion PLZ!)


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Chapter 1 Varrock Bank




Varrock's eastern bank was very busy at the best of times. But on a Tuesday, when there were several auctions on at the Grand Exchange, its large hall was full to bursting. Some struggled to leave, some strained themselves to get in, and the alarmingly long queues were stretching all over the bank.




However, the yelling, shouting and general rowdiness stopped abruptly when a tall individual stepped in. No one dared to speak once they spotted the gleaming badge on the man's jacket. Everyone could recognise the uniform of a Mos'Le Harmless trader. Many an establishment had been ransacked and torn apart by an impatient pirate.


Although that rumour could hardly have been applied to this man. The jacket was torn in places, the trousers were incredibly shabby, and the gloves could have been found in a sewer. His name was Dagbert Lampard, and he had the reputation of the worst trader in history in his homeland.




He crossed the marble floor towards the booth. He was given a wide berth by the terrified crowd. The teller attending the booth was knocking his knees together. He had previously been an assistant manager, however he had been demoted after being suspected of eating his way through the staff room cupboard. Indeed, he was an incredibly large man, barely being able to squeeze into the booth.




"C-can I help you sir?" asked the teller, his voice shaky.




The man's voice was slow and menacing. "I wish to make a withdrawal."




"Family name and option of w-withdrawal?"




"Lampard. Entire contents."




"Y-y-es sir." The teller backed into the staff room, not turning his back on the pirate. Once the door was closed, he turned around and faced the large floating orb in front of him.




He spoke to the orb. "Lampard. Mos'Le Harmless. Withdraw all."


The orb pulsated and flashes of lightning arced across. The teller sighed.


"Wizards. Always showing off."




This orb was in fact the entire Runescape bank system. Once a vault name, location and command were spoken in range, the orb would connect to another orb in that location, and the vault's contents would be magically transferred. Its creator, the wizard Mizgog, was quite proud of it and added the lightning to make it look more professional.




The teller waited, imagining a sea of gold that he was sure a pirate would have. However, once the bank contents poured into a small silver dish, he laughed. It was such a hearty, joyful laugh that many in the crowd outside wondered if the Mos'Le Harmless merchant was going to run out of patience and kill the teller.




To their surprise, the teller came out, and deposited eight small coins into Dagbert's palm. "Here you are sir," he chuckled, "your account's entire contents."

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Chapter 2 Port Sarim




"Father, do I really have to go?" asked Sean Lampard, for nearly the sixth time.




"For the last time, no," replied his father, Dagbert, "you are severely trying my patience, Sean."




Sean sighed. Port Sarim was not new to him; being from Mos'Le Harmless, he had grown up on a dockyard, albeit a much smaller one. However its outskirts were certainly unusual. Absolutely devoid of rainforest, there was instead a large forbidding mansion, a small farm, and even towering walls of white stone to the north in view. But thinking of the wonderful island he had grown up on upset him slightly, knowing it would be four years before he saw it again.




It was certainly startling when his father turned up one afternoon, announcing that he had been offered a scholarship in the Entrana Monastery, which doubled as a convent. Sean had originally believed that all monks had a hatred of pirates, due to their temptation to steal and lack of humility and chivalry, but perhaps the "bookies" (as Dagbert referred to them) had warmed to the inhabitants of Mos'Le Harmless.




Another thing that puzzled Sean was that his father had only given him eight gold pieces. Surely there was more in Dagbert's vast stores?


"Father, why have you only given me eight pieces of gold?"


For a second, Dagbert's face paled, but then he quickly gathered his resolve and replied, in a commanding voice and tone that made Sean back off.




"I really do not see why I should give you any more, Sean. When was the last time you showed interest in following in my footsteps?"




Sean's face fell. "No," he replied, "I-I mean never, father."




"That's right." He looked ahead. "They are bringing down the gangplank now. Run along, Sean."




"I see. Goodbye, father."








And upon hearing that sad, final word, Sean felt happy he was going away.

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Chapter 3 The Journey




The light, or lack of it, was the first thing that sprung to Sean's mind when he entered the murky ship's hold. There were only four large candles near a set of benches and the light from above that illuminated the dingy room, and he hoped the candles wouldn't blow out, if the fierce winds from outside blew in. He sat on a bench, dumped his bag on the wooden floorboards and waited.




Three minutes later, Sean could hear footsteps from the rickety stepladder that led to the deck. A girl descended into the hold. She looked about his age, and had aquamarine eyes and long blonde hair. She too, flung her bag under the benches and sat down.




"Hello, are you going to the Monastery?" she asked in a light, breezy tone. "My name's Anne."




"Yeah, I'm Sean. Have you been before?" he replied.




"Oh no, but my brother has, he's working in Asgarnia. He told me all about it."




"It's my first year too."




"Where are you from?" asked Anne, who clearly wanted to make friends.




"Mos'Le Harmless, and you?"


Anne suddenly went very pale, and nervously fingered a charm around her neck, in the shape of an eight-point star. Although, Sean could only guess it had eight points, for a quarter of it seemed to be missing.


"Falad-dor," she replied, her voice incredibly shaky.




A spotty head poked from outside. The pimply youth called, "you kids better come up, we're almost there."


The view from the deck was breathtaking. All that remained of the mainland was a misty speck at the stern. They were heading toward an island, that was growing larger every second.

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