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Sir Hartlar's 1800 Total Party!

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Party Plan!




Why: 1800 Total! (and 92 Magic.)


Where: My POH, in Relekka.


Server: 99.


When: 10am GMT, Saturday 29th December .






We will start by me getting the level for 1800 total. Hopefully I get a good turnout and get ascreen full of messages. After the level I will host a trivia/riddle, with five questions where a correct answer will earn you 100k! This will be inside my clan chat, so even F2Pers can take


part if they can't make it to members. Then I will teleport away to a secret location, and give a clue to my whereabouts. The first person to trade me will win 100k, but there will be three rounds so in total a cash pot of 800k for the entire party. This isn't huge, but I'm saving for Guthans remember!


After that the party will be finished but I'll hang about in my house for a bit probably.

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