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New Quest Line: The Emerald Wizard


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The Emerald Wizard


Part 1: Portal Mishaps




I had this idea as I was going to sleep one night, and thought it would be perfectly in line with some of the Runescape quests. It's not a full guide, just some of the memorable moments.








Quest Requirements:


- Grim Tales


- Fairy Tale Series [Whichever one is the end.]


- An Enlightened Journey




Skill Requirements:


- 23 Farming


- 25 Construction


- A house with a bedroom, and a bed.


- 50 Hunter


- 50 Smithing


- 23 Thieving




Start Point:


Player Owned House, Bedroom.


After all quest prerequisites are met, the bed will have a "Sleep" option, which will trigger the initial cutscene.






Well, Runescape is typically known for *ahem* borrowing ideas from other places, and twisting them to add a humorous take to them. This would be a continuation of the Grim Tales quest, not a direct sequel, but a Spiritual Successor. What are we parodying this time? The Wizard of Oz, of course!




This quest would take place after the Fairy Tale quests, and would involve the weather by taking the house portal, and using a tornado to whisk it away to the faraway land of Oz. Oz will be similar to Zanaris, in that it is nowhere on the world map (To begin with), and you can only get there through your house.




In order to make it so that you could travel between Oz and RuneScape during normal gameplay, whenever you enter a house portal, sleeping in your bed will move the portal between Oz and RuneScape. There will be a joke about it all being a dream... And of course, once you get the Ruby Slippers, you can teleport to Oz at anytime.






After you meet the quest requirements and sleep in the bed, the screen fades out and shows an evil witch plotting the demise of RuneScape. She brews up a storm, but then a Faerie Queen shows up, and redirects the huge storm to pick up just one thing - The portal to your house! As the portal is whisked away to Oz, the screen cuts away to you in your bed - being shaken violently. After the shaking stops, you can move around, and strangely, all portals in your house no longer work, nor do any other teleports. You decide to come outside.




The Yellow-Brick Road:


You awaken to find yourself, unsurprisingly, in Oz! As little people your character mistakes for gnomes at first come out, and as you question them in their village, the truth comes out. You are no longer in Runescape, but in Oz. After you talk to the mayor, the Good Witch Glinda comes and explains that your house portal was a casualty, and that you need to see the Wizard by following the Road.


Glinda "upgrades" your magic menu to have a means of communication with you, and whenever you get stuck, she will give you hints as to what you should do.






There are some wheat fields that you have to cross by following the road. In them, a Scarecrow resides, and he coerces you to make him a new body. After you make him the body, he jumps into your inventory, commenting that he'll follow you and help you out.






As you keep following the road, you pass a forest and think nothing of it. Eventually you reach a fallen tree, and your character comments that if only he had a hatchet, his woodcutting would be great right now. As you explore the forest before, you come across an Iron Lumberjack, and you notice he is holding a hatchet! Unfortunately, you can't take it.


Eventually you oil him and allow him to move. He comes with you in your inventory, and you can use him with the obstacle to see him chop it down, continuing deeper into the forest.






The scarecrow is paranoid, noting that this forest is full of obstacles such as Lions, Tigers, and Bears. Your character isn't concerned, noting that he has helped defeat a Shaikahan (If he has), but as a roar sounds out, the party jumps back in fright.


If you search around however, you can find a few things around that help you fashion a fake puppy, with the scarecrow's help, and after you sic it onto the Lion, you find out that he is a coward and wants to see the wizard. So you let him come with you.


Just then, you finally get a cutscene of the Emerald City, but one more obstacle lies ahead - the field of Poppies.




Poppy Field:


The lion is immune to the Poppies, so you come up with the idea of constructing a cart. Use the lumberjack with a few trees to get some logs, then use the lion on the logs to create a cart, and lay down on it. You get a cutscene of the Lion taking you through the field, and you reach the gates of the Emerald City.


After a bunch of dialogue with the Gatekeeper, you come into the city, after wearing some green-tinted glasses. ("At least they're not rose" - Character). You then are escorted to see the wizard, without being allowed to see the city.




Breaking the Wizard


The wizard asks each person to come in one at a time. First, the scarecrow goes, and after he comes out, he's terrified of the wizard showing up as a Beautiful Woman. The woodman sees a beast, and the Lion sees a ball of fire. Your character then goes in and talks to the Wizard, who refuses to help. For you, the wizard is a giant head.


You have to figure out the disguises by going to the costume room after exploring the city. You picklock the disguises, and the scarecrow figures out how all the illusions are made. After you do so, the Wizard admits that he is actually from Runescape himself, and has no idea how to get back.


As Glinda appears, she casts a spell on you, and you wake up in your house, wondering whether it was a dream or not. As you go outside of the house, you notice you are in your original location, and all the portals work.




Quest Complete!




5k Farming XP


5k Smithing XP


5k Hunter XP


5k Thieving XP


5k Construction XP




Yes, those are all the rewards. You do not get access to Oz again until the next quest in the series comes out, which involves the Wicked Witch of the East, flying monkeys (Slayer? :P), Balloons, and the castle of the Good Witch of the South! The next quest in the series is planned, and I'll write it sometime soon.




Really wish we had another funny quest based on literature, like Grim Tales, or Romeo and Juliet.

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