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help with bounty hunter


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you could raise you combat to 99 and go to f2p and own everyone if you arent already f2p that is

1100 total achieved 03/02/09 880thousandth to reach it :P

1200 total achieved 29/09/11 1.23millionth to reach it :P


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Well, get to 99(or 111if members) combat with 75 att and then as high a str as you can(or 70 def if members). Then raise the money for a Godsword. While you're at it go get 99 range as well. If you do this you will absolutly destroy, but you could succeed with less.


4031st person to 99 Thieving on 5/25/2008

If anyone plays NBA Live '08 online on the Wii please PM me. I'm up for anyone.

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well im lvl 86 and i got a kill but seeing as u get a penalty u need alotta hp and def if you dont wanna die b4 the time runs out


i was attacked by 3 or 4 lvl 95-100 players (the penalty is useless anyways)


as if youll find any1 in their

1100 total achieved 03/02/09 880thousandth to reach it :P

1200 total achieved 29/09/11 1.23millionth to reach it :P


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i mainly go after people in nooby outfits like addy,mith, rune but with a chain and addy berserker(that was what i woulda kept along with rune gloves if there was no pen)

1100 total achieved 03/02/09 880thousandth to reach it :P

1200 total achieved 29/09/11 1.23millionth to reach it :P


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