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On the run


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Chapter 1: An outlaw and a new hobby








Ed stared at the mysterious runes. How in the world was he supposed to take out all of those goblins with these things? Sure, if he had his big two handed sword he could knock some heads; with his bow he would have them all laying in the ground with arrows sticking out of their backs in no time at all. Even if he had his pickaxe, he would impale each oneÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s heart in a single blow.




He had to find a way to make these work, his life depended on it. Not that the goblins posed any threat, but he had other reasons for needing to learn how to use magic. He examined one that had reddish markings on it. The runes had been lying around for so long that he could barely even see the symbol on them. If he squinted, he could just make out a fire symbol on it. "Work, stupid thing!" He held it out towards the goblins that were all just wandering around stupidly like goblins do and shouted "Shoot!" but to no avail. The rune simply sat there in his hand.




He reached into his bag and pulled out a handful of the rocks. One had some strange white lines, another orange. Suddenly, the runes glowed and a bolt of air shot out of them at the nearest goblin. The bolt hit it in the stomach, and the goblin doubled over in pain.




Ed tried to make the bolt again, but as he did the runes he had used crumbled to dust and their symbols faded away. Ed dropped the useless dust and grabbed four more air and mind runes. He held one of each and fired a bolt at the goblin. It had already almost recovered from the first blow, but this one knocked its own sword into its chest. The goblin wobbled for a moment then fell over backward.




Hours later, Ed lay on the ground exhausted. He had a huge pile of goblin armor, an even bigger mound of buried bones, and a rather heavy wallet. He squinted off into the distance at the far away town, dreading the walk back. He flopped back onto the ground and stared up at the sky. The sun was starting to set, and if he didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t get back to town, he would be stuck out in the wilderness for the night. Ed picked up his bag, groaning. He took a few steps, ignoring the pain in his legs and then quickly fell into his stride.




He was an experience adventurer, and as soon as he felt his feet pounding along on the path, the pain faded and he began to think about the runes and the awesome spells he could do with them. He had managed to make each of the elemental bolts, a fact that he was rather proud of. Also, when he had picked up a few of the runes, including one of the few with a moon and a star on it, his sapphire necklace glowed, shook, and then settled down. After the strange event, he seemed to be somewhat...different.




About half a mile down the path, Ed came to a sharp bend in the path where he couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t see ahead due to a thick group of trees. He rounded the corner carelessly and too quickly, and ran into someone. Their pack dropped onto the ground and a large bundle of logs came undone and rolled everywhere. Ed tripped on the logs and fell onto his back, and his bank landed on a pointy rock sticking up in the trail. Ed howled in pain and rolled over, off of the rock. After most of the pain subsided, he got up to his knees and looked around for the person he had bumped into. They must have noticed that he was looking around, because he heard a female voice calling out from the trees, ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅHey! Over here!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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