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Oh's No's!!11! My laptop don't turn on!!1!oneone


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Hey guys... well here is the problem.








About a... err... month ago? I turned my laptop completly off, unplugged the battery from it, and unplugged the battery from the wall. The other night I got a cool mouse for it (it is a miniture mouse, so I thought it would go good with a laptop... hehe)








So, I plug the battery into the outlet and the computer and the battery indicator light on the computer came on.








It was yellow, meaning that it was connected, but had to no juice to start up... so, whatever, I am tierd now so I go to sleep, right?








I wake up around 12 hours later (the battery itself takes about 1 hour to get to 100%) and see the green light on the computer meaning that it is plenty ready to be turned on.








I flip up screen and press the power button, but low and behold the row of lights that are supposed to light up and flash do nothing :cry:








I tryed a few times over and over, even tryed holding it in. I have no idea what could have caused this, it was just sitting on a table for about a month turned off. I usually leave it on for weeks at a time and have never had issues with over heating, infact this is the first problem I have ever gotten from it.








Now, the mobo doesn't beep as if something is wrong, just plain and simple.... nothing happens at all. The light saying the battery is juiced up is still on but none the less it won't turn on.








The thing is never connected to the internet unless I am updating windows or at a LAN party(so hard to game on a laptop), so I know there is no spyware or virii on it




The specs I know off the top of my head are:




Windows 2000 Pro (completely up-to-date as of a month ago :lol: )




P3 1.6 Ghz Processor




384 MB RAM




The laptop itself was made by IBM




Completly up-to-date adaware & McAffe definitions








I always kept it clean, as in defragged, disc clean up, all the good stuff ya know?








Is it possible that the mobo is just going to hell? If that is the case then I will probably just toss the thing out :lol:








Anyways, much help would be appreciated as I am not as intune with laptop hardware :wink:










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Does the computer have ANY indications that it is powering on? For example, monitor turns on for a second, a fan turns on, etc?








If nothing turns on at all, my only thought is that the power board is busted (or whatever they call it on laptops). You can buy them on ebay pretty cheap. I remember looking for a new motherboard for my laptop months ago and seeing tons of power boards(?) for sale (for around $50 if I remember).








I don't know if that's the problem, but it could be the case. It sounds weird to me, as well.

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It is just odd, it isn't like I dropped it or something... it was just sitting there. I have only had to open my laptop once, and that was to slide a stick of 256 MB of RAM into it... other then that I know squat about laptop hardware :lol:


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Nope, nada...








No fans, you don't head a mobo beap, your can't hear a HD beep or the HD spin.








The only indication that I pressed the button is that the battery charger dealy itself lets out a ringing noise at all times it is plugged in (not like an actual ring, but like when you have a TV or a light on, you can sometimes hear a whiney high pitched noise) and when I press down on the power button the ringing noise will stop and as soon as I let go it continues, however I think this is normal.








It is not the battery either by the way, I have 2 seperate batteries and neither work :cry:


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do u think maybe the battery lost all of its juice? idk, im just tryin to help out. my laptop power chord goes straight from the outlet to my laptop. it has its own little plug-in whole. you were saying something about plugging it into the battery? maybe since the battery wont hold anymore charge, the charge from the outlet cant go thru it?

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It definately sounds like you are having power issues.








I don't think it's the batteries, it's most likely the power supply/board or whatever you call it.








The only other thing that would make sence is the power switch is broken. Highly unlikely, but possible.

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Sounds like your power supply died its just one of those things that happens for noreason.








You will need to take your laptop to a service center they will either repair or replace the power supply.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Poo :cry:








Well, I tryed again with bot batteries after leaving it on all night and day, still no luck. Guess I will drop it off at my boss's house later this week :cry:


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