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Dead Space


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  • 4 weeks later...

I "acquired" it several hours ago, haven't had a chance to play it until a couple hours ago.




Massive fun, the viewpoint is kinda irritating to me but it provides a nice feel.




It's creepy as hell, I just got the new mainframe thing for the tram system and returned to let the two loving people go to the Bridge, and turned it off because I'm too chicken[cabbage] to go any further at 1 in the morning. Scariest moment so far - I was just going through a doorway and a Necromorph cast a huge shadow in front of me. Naturally, I shat my pants, turned around and wildly sprayed 3-4 shots in terror. Nothing there. I venture out into the corridor it cast the shadow from tentatively, nothing there. I'm almost positive something is gonna tear me a new [wagon] at that point, so I leg it. That at 12:30ish am in the morning w/ all lights off + headphones up full make for massive creepiness.




They really did a great job with the ambience, I think I sat in that storeroom with the nano-upgrader for five minutes shaking in my boots waiting for the thing rattling around in the vents whispering to swing down and bite my nadgers off, but it never did. Until I went outside the storeroom, that is. D: Also, rounding the corner and being pounced on by a Necro, geegee blue-health tube thingy. Massive lolz are to be had curbstomping the ones on the ground. My rule of thumb - if it's got less than two limbs floppping about disconnected from their owner, and there's no shinies on the floor, it's not as dead as you thought it was.




I was playing it through with a mate on Vent, he was maybe twenty minutes behind me, and it was great to hear him scream like a girl when he reached some bits I also screamed like a girl at, ahaha.




And goddamn those whispers drive me crazy.




Also, bump for great justice., if you didn't notice.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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