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loud fan noises only while playing runescape...


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hi. im running a fairly decent pc.




hp pavilion a450n..




180 gig hard drive , 512 ram, and a geforce 4600 videocard.








when im playing rs it runs fine solo but the last few days my computer gets loud (the fans kinda take off) but only while playing runescape.




i can use 100% of my resources without using runescape and it never does this. but if i use runescape and maybe mirc or winamp and it takes off. i can close all the other processes once the loud noises start. but as long as rs is still open it still hums like a beast. close rs and it quits...anyone got any ideas?








i trained 3 hours at dags and it never did it yesterday. today it did it 4-5 timesat draynor farm lands....





"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

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wierd ud say this Das..
















today i was farming and my computer got loud too.. i think it has something to do with farming, maybe new stuff being added to runescape cache(if there is a runescape cache)












ive also noticed if i empty my cookies, and all those extra files runescape takes ages to load again..












i think it has something to do with runescape/farming/alot of newbis in thes same place..
















if its really bothering you take one of the side panels off ur computer and listen to where the sound is coming from specifically, if its the hard drive then it might just be working harder than normal, if its the fan i couldnt see how this would have anything to do with runescape, because the fan isnt connected to the computer, only the power source?

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actually it happened again last night with 60-70 people in draynor. i got to the point where i thought if it was gonna die it would die and i would replace it saturday. and it turned off after 2 minutes. aparently runescape doesnt need your video card normally. and it did yesterday and the videocards fan was kicking on to cool it down.








so far its worked like a charm guess i panicked for nothing

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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thats easy to explain.








RS/Java uses near on 100% CPU to run. if you dont belive me, check your tast manager (CTL+ALT+DEL), and look on the process tab.








it uses near enough 100% CPU on every computer, no matter how fast (ive tested this, ran RS on my old 800MHZ p3, my 2.8ghz sempron and my dual 3.2ghz zeon server, in all cases RS jumps too 100% cpu)












this extra load causes your cpu to kick out a hell of alot more heat than word or web browsing does, so your fans (most modern pcs have fans that will spin faster if the cpu is hotter) speed up to deal with the extra heat.








nothing major to worry about, but, farming, and having alot of players in a small area uses more CPU (due to the way RS/Java works).








nothing major to worry about, just make sure your fans can cope, and that your processor isnt melting itself....

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