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Farewell to Runescape.


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ITS OFFICIAL I just cancelled my subscription. :) Yay no more addiction.
















I apologize for my missuse of the forums, but seeing as this is the only board I used I found it to be appropriate.








I have decided that the addictive powers of runescape is keeping me from my true goal. with that I make my final post.








They say creation dawns from destruction, and I fully agree with this ideal.




And with it I believe its time to recreate the world.








Our constitutional republic is dying the death of a thousand cuts. Remember the parable of the frog? A frog dropped in boiling water would jump right out and possibly live but a frog placed in cool water just might stay in it while you gradually turn the heat up to boiling temperature, and die for his complacency. Likewise, people of 100 years ago, if suddenly told that: the government planned to tax them out of 20-60% of their livelihoods; that every newborn child would be issued a (Social Security) number which they must use for identification during any formal transaction; that income and SS taxes would be automatically withheld from their paychecks and they would have no choice between Social Security and their own retirement plan nor any chance of getting their money back until reaching 65-67 years old; that the taxes they paid would be used to arm and feed their enemies, make the ruling class wealthier, foment animosity and jealousy between people through welfare programs which reward greed and lethargy, and finance all sorts of alphabet-soup fascist bureaucratic agencies designed to infringe upon their rights, destroy their liberty and confiscate their property; that Evolution and Socialism would be taught in state-controlled compulsory education programs for their children while the Ten Commandments would be forbidden from even hanging on the walls in the same schools; that they could not buy handguns without first waiting 15 days and having their names registered in a centralized list; that military-style (militia) rifles would be banned and regulated out of the hands of the people, that any transfer of arms would require registration; that freedom from unwarranted searches would be eroded piecemeal by "anti-terrorist" bills and convenient interpretations of "probable cause"; that the First Amendment would be used to gag preachers and patriots but to protect perverts and liars; or that abominations such as homosexuality and pedophilia would be not only tolerated, but protected and promoted by their own government...those people would have rioted in the streets. They would have thrown their treasonous politicians out of office and into jail. But the Beast is smart and patient. The people who now populate the world are soft, ignorant, lazy and gullible. The water is fast approaching boiling temperature but the frog is too preoccupied with drinking beer, watching TV and playing the lottery to notice that his sauna is getting too hot for comfort.




How far are we going to let it go? Where will we draw the line? Will we ever even draw a line?








Just how oppressive does evil have to get before it becomes insufferable to this soft generation? Will we say "enough is enough," when a National ID Card becomes mandatory for travel and transactions? Will we finally fight back when confiscation of the people's arms begins in earnest? When churches and synagogues become state-controlled like public schools? When our children are required to attend school 12 hours a day, year-round? When state certification of potential parents becomes mandatory? When your child is assigned a "guidance counselor" from the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA, whom your elected "representatives" almost succeeded in using your tax dollars to fund, via the United Nations)? When professional educators begin encouraging your child to experiment with every form of sexual perversion before deciding what "orientation" he or she is? When bestiality becomes normalized as homosexuality now is? When automobiles and any independent travel is forbidden for everyone except government bureaucrats? When "intolerant hatemongers" and anyone else who disagrees with the Lapdog Press are forcefully prevented from speaking, publishing or broadcasting their own opinions? When peaceful assembly of two or more people is illegal without Commissar Quisling there to supervise? When "Right-Wing Extremists" and other potential revolutionaries are rounded up and removed (for "reeducation") en masse? When your neighbors' doors are being kicked in? When your own door is being kicked in? As you're herded into a cattle truck bound for some prison camp? When, as an act of faith and repentance, you're compelled to accept the implantation of a microchip into your right hand or forehead? In other words: After it's too late?








With this I bid you farewell.




Sincerly Crim Nimora




You can contact me at [email protected]

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hahahaha that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever read. where'd you copy and paste it from?








here's a quick summary of your post:




"waaaa the liberals are all filth trying to rule the country with their DESPICABLE homosexuality and social security nonsense! us gun-lovin', freedom-loving americans are being persecuted!!"

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eh...i read your post, but i didn't find what your goal really was. I don't even know why your leaving lol sorry I just woke up right now my brain isn't working very well. Anyways, sorry that you're leaving.

Sup noobs.

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...Forget that being my last post, just the last issue.








Let me get your opinion strait, on the SS issue first, lets say you work al your life and you give substantial money to SS, then you die a year before you get your reward. now lets say someone whos cheated on their taxes, barely ever worked, and has molested children all his life, lives to be 100, and collects the majority of your input.








You agree with this system?




Granted it doesn't always work in this manner, but I guarantee this exact scenario has happend before.








And I personally have no oppinion towards the populations sexual orientation, but I do believe the goverment shouldn't voice thier oppinion, as it shouldn't be an issue.




If people want to be Homosexual, then let them, but they should not allow thier sexual orientation to disrupt the common life of people.




And thats exactly whats happening, if I was to go downtown and scream "I LIKE BOOBS" I would be incarcerated, and thatsthe point.












Ande heres a point I forgot to mention the FDA is easily the most corrupt organization in the goverment. They claim that the only thing that can cure a disease is a drug, and then claim obesity as a disease, even when they know running isn't a drug. And they have silenced people who have spoken out against them. And refuse to distribute the CURE for cancer.

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I'm sorry you're leaving RS, and I'm even more sorry that you feel the way you do about life. The world has plenty of problems, but plenty of solutions are available, too.








Anyways, this does not belong here. Peace, man,









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not sure what this has to do with me quitting rs, which everyone should do by the way.








But the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that could affect anything, would be to revolt, but overall that would hurt more than help, so I'll get back to you on that question.








But seriously people should just take a month or week of off rs at least, and remeber what it was like having a life, once you TRULY stop its just as easy as starting.

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not sure what this has to do with me quitting rs, which everyone should do by the way.








But the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that could affect anything, would be to revolt, but overall that would hurt more than help, so I'll get back to you on that question.








But seriously people should just take a month or week of off rs at least, and remeber what it was like having a life, once you TRULY stop its just as easy as starting.








everyone should quit rs? not everyone plays 10 hours a day, hell, i can barely play for an hour at a time.








so you're saying that when you have your revolt you're going to have old people work until the day they die, ban homosexuals, and give everyone a gun? sounds like a utopia to me!

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not sure what this has to do with me quitting rs, which everyone should do by the way.








But the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that could affect anything, would be to revolt, but overall that would hurt more than help, so I'll get back to you on that question.








But seriously people should just take a month or week of off rs at least, and remeber what it was like having a life, once you TRULY stop its just as easy as starting.








I agree. There are thousands of things that are better to experience as a human being than playing Runescape. No question about it. And playing in moderation is important, JAGeX says so on their website.








Still, as far as this non-runescape related discussion goes, it should be on the "off-topic" board. Since you no longer play Runescape, you don't need to post about that anymore.








It was nice to have your posts while we did, farewell.









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see where I said, I apologize for my missuse of the forums, but seeing as this is the only board I used I found it to be appropriate.












Most people dont have self control, and seeing how my parents met in drug rehab, I have inherited thier addictive personalities. And that with the fact that Runescape bores the hell outa me, is why I quit.

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I failed to see what you wrote had anything to do with you leaving Runescape but anyway it's been nice meeting you on the forums. Good luck and farewell.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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see where I said, I apologize for my missuse of the forums, but seeing as this is the only board I used I found it to be appropriate.












Most people dont have self control, and seeing how my parents met in drug rehab, I have inherited thier addictive personalities. And that with the fact that Runescape bores the hell outa me, is why I quit.








I've known lots of people from drug/alcohol influenced families, so I sympathize with how your life may have been. Now, however, I'd say it's time to go ahead and live life as it comes at you. I still don't understand why quitting Runescape would make everything better. I'd say washing dishes is still a bit more boring.








That said, I *guess* it's your prerogative to continue posting here, as I've seen you do plenty of ever since you quit :) Bear in mind, however, that your ideas will become outdated as Runescape ages.









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Its called an addictive personality its a trait that often gets passed down through generations. Its not anyones fault. And its not absurd its a proven fact, my sister spent a good amount of time doing studies on it.








It basiclly says that people find something they "enjoy" doing at first and then do it alot, even if they dont enjoy it anymore.








I have my master chess rating, ability to give girls THE BEST legrubs ever, and my ability to work 3 days straight with only 3 hours of sleep and 2 meals. Its a gift.








And yes I give undeniably THE BEST legrubs ever.





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Always sad to see someone go, but farewell, have a good life. (Y)









P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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