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Bank Interest?


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I'd like to see my money grow, like it does in real life, so would it be smart to have a small set bank interest? It doesn't change, and it doesn't add much, but over time, it would definitely show a good positive gain.

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Maybe for only low level players with low skill totals, just to stop people from hoarding millions gaing say 100000gp from interest alone. It should also have a limit to as how much interest would be allowed.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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I'd like to see my money grow, like it does in real life, so would it be smart to have a small set bank interest? It doesn't change, and it doesn't add much, but over time, it would definitely show a good positive gain.








It's been suggested man, in an attempt to make runescape more like real life. In real life, however, banks invest your money and pay you interest from what they net. I don't think JAGeX is interested in investing our gp.








So, no :)









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