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A dream...


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I had a dream last night about the RuneScape map client that links from the top of the game screen... there was a bug and it was showing the three altars that haven't been released yet. It didn't go left or right, just up and down and none of the normal area was being shown. Later I saw a huge desert 4x the size of the current map to the west and an even bigger land to the north. I drew up this map this morning and figured I'd show it to you guys. Enjoy! (Beware, they are extremely large [the pictures]) I think I have more to say, but I have forgotten what. If I remember I will post it. So post your thoughts and if you think my dream will come true. ("come true" may mean Jagex see this and steal my idea =p)








PS - This post new topic screen has been up for hours and hours and hours! I COULD NOT figure out what the hell was going on with the first image... finally I realised... ImageShack - max filesize allowed 1024 KB (1 MB)! My image was over 3 megs because it was png... completely clear and no distortion but very large. So I cut it down slightly and converted to a 995 KB jpeg. *sigh* Sometiems things so simple aren't realised until the last second... :roll:

















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Right moved this to media discussion. Also managed to put the pictures into their thumbnail view.




Learn to crop next time, how to link from imageshack effectively or at least put a warning for 56k people like me :shock:

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