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questions about lsp


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ok so i just started doing gwd the other day and i've been a couple mass lsp bando runs. and i dont quite understand the lsp thing. ive figured out that of course the more lsp you have the higher your chance of getting loot. but what i dont understand is does the lsp keep going up no matter what clan your in? can join like 10 different clans over the course of a few days then join a new clan and get lots of loot? or is lsp only in the clan that your currently a part of? just if someone could help explain that would be great

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LSP supposedly drops once you get a rare drop.




They've also updated the LSP a few months ago that caters to the community. That means someone with high LSP can still get more drops but it is now higher priority on distributing the drops fairly amongst the current team instead of the person who grinds his LSP all day.



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