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How's this Sig?


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Not too bad, infact with its good for a first. I'd say just spend more time on it.








Most pixelers take upwards of 5 hours to do a sig (often more).








Some things that need improving:








It lacks shading... or you need to make the shading more obvious (darker colours). Before you start shading, figure out where you want your light source (lamp, sun, moon etc) and shade appropriately.








The background is a little bare, maybe some texture on the ground or something or add a closer tree or something.








Skies are normally a much lighter shade of blue, and you might like to dither your clouds into the sky a bit more.








Maybe you could make your bricks a little more 3D. At the moment they are just 2D. Give them depth.

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Thanks for the advice and help.








I will definitely take your advice and try to incorporate more background shading and such.








I also noticed as you said that the shading needs to be more defined. I assumed that the shades needed to be as minute and indifferent as possible to look real (being this my first sig). Now I know the shades need to be more defined.








Thanks again

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