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I_Merch_Ftw's G&A! Lvl 3, 1392 Total, 4 99's ~ 87/99 Smith!

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Hey everyone, this blog is currently under construction, so I would greatly appreciate your comments to improving it. So if you actually take the time to read through it, I would appreciate it if you posted. :)




Introduction/Runescape History:


Well, it all started when I was first introduced to Runescape in February 2005 by one of my real life friends. After being introduced, I created my first ever account, "Chaingang327." After playing on and off for about two years, I began noticing some of the great low level skillers, and immediately wished that I could be like them. This led me to creating another account towards the end of 2006, which was initially created to be one of these skillers. However, I soon after gained combat, and became a rune pure in progress. It was on this account in which I first began actually looking into the art of merchanting. After experimenting and testing out my ideas for several weeks, I finally developed methods of merchanting that were able to yield great profits. I managed to merchant up to a yellow partyhat on this account, but the account was stolen and later on permanently locked.




After taking a few months break from this experience, I came back and created "I_Merch_Ftw" on July 3rd, 2007, which was to be a level 3 skiller that I had grown to admire over the years. After initially merchanting for my first and second month or so of playing, I was able to make several hundred million gp, but soon after lost interest in merchanting due to my extensive use of it. It was then the time when I focused on actually raising my skills to be the skiller that I always wanted. In November 2007, I was introduced to Clan Peacefull, one of the largest skilling clans of players with combats of 3-30 by Lvl 3 Ftw. I have been a hardcore skiller ever since. ;)




Starting Stats:


My starting stats for this blog are as follows:






Current Stats:


My current stats are as follows:






Current Goals (and how I'm achieving them):






I will be continuing to plant dwarf weeds/limpwurts/calquats/poison ivies.






I will be making mithril bolts via the blast furnace with sacred clay hammers the whole way. :shock:






I will be hunting red chinchompas, whenever I'm not smithing. :)






I will be making ranging potions from all the dwarf weeds that I farm.




Most Recent Levels:






Other Accomplished Goals:




[hide=99 Crafting]99craft-1.png[/hide]




[hide=99 Firemaking]99fm-1.png[/hide]




(Lost my 99 thieving picture) :(




[hide=99 Farming]99farming.png[/hide]




So there's my blog for now. Please feel free to comment. :D


P.S. If you want to add me ingame, feel free. I try to keep my chat on as much as possible. :)

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Very nice money there :o




Good luck with your goals. You should try getting some of the non-buyables up, even though they're all fairly high! :)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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wow your a beast lol, good luck on your future goals and 99smith!!




If you get some time check out my blog, not impressive as yours though 8-)




Here's the link viewtopic.php?f=98&t=798640




first post




Hah, I wouldn't say beast, but thanks! I'll be sure to check out your G&A when I get a chance. :)




Very nice money there :o




Good luck with your goals. You should try getting some of the non-buyables up, even though they're all fairly high! :)




Thanks, and I am going to finish off 99 hunter, as well as probably go for 99 agility once smithing is complete, hehe.




Nice skills, my only question is why are you using the blast furnace?




I'm using the blast furnace because it is a way to make smithing profitable, along with gaining some fairly decent experience.

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