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A New Type of Calculator

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Tip It:




I love the calculators you have on your site. I think its a fantastic idea, and Ive come up with a new tool you can add to your collection.




Once you get to level 76 fishing (just able to catch sharks), its hard to tell with the changing prices whether its faster money (or experience, if thats what youre going for) to fish and sell lobs or sharks.




Id really appreciate it if you could create a calculator that could figure this out for myself and the rest of the RuneScape fishing community.




Heres my idea of how to go about this:


Tip It users could enter the following information:


Current xp in fishing


Current Grand Exchange price (unless Tip It knows the prices)




And select the following information from a list of choices:


Type of fish theyre fishing


Whether theyre fishing for xp or gold




Tip It will have to know:


How many of each fish the users current xp will allow them to catch in one hour


The xp gained by catching one of each fish


(Optional: G.E. prices of all fish)






Take the number of fish the user can catch in one hour and multiply it by its current price in G.E. or


Take the number of fish the user can catch in one hour and multiply it by the xp gained from each fish




Obviously, this will be a rough estimate, but anything is better than nothing. I cant tell you how much this would help!






<3 Sierie

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