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self defence in australia


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:? Why the hell do you need a wepon for self defence? I think the best thing you could do is learn jui-jitsu, cause if a person attacks you, you can put them to sleep and then run away so its not assult cause your just defending yourself.








Why would you need any self defence though. Here are some tips:




Dont go out late at night, unless with a large groupe




Stay in crowded places at nigh




dont go down dark allyways




be wary of starangers








Thats all you need, and you hsould be fine.

When a person has reached the point where they've fully committed themself to physically harming someone else those rules go right out the window. If they want what you have there going to do whatever they have to to get it. You would think that they would be scared of being caught but once a person has reached that point, all long term considerations are ignored pretty much. Basically there is no safe place from a nut with no worries.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Thus the metal pole i carry in my back pack when i go to skateparks.. i have a smexy bike :P








but i cant get it out quick enough if someone rins up and smaks me in the face (happened on monday, slashed the guys tyers in retaliation to the punch :D)


First and only pixel thinger I made.

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Wish I could have a Tazer and be mega Kool








Thats another reason why they are illegal for personal use. *sigh*




















thats so going in my sig. :P








firstly* u wanna no y its illegal? any1 live in sydney? a gang from 1 skool pepper sprayed another kid and closed down a whole station.








And ppl just wanna walk around with wepons which will cause any situation 2 escalate.








your like omg i want a tazer what if some1 plays around with it and increases the amps and then goes around frying ppl? and then the ppl u get these 2 protect your self from gets hold of 1... ure really screwed then arnt u

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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