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Lvl 57 looking for pking clan

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Holy crap u have good stats i'm starting a magic pking clan and ur magic level is pretty good so u should join my combat level is 61, and my username is irocksockes1






I did not photoshop that "1" in my signature, i made it more noticable.

Thats my combat level 61

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Requirements: There is no level or skill requirement to join this clan. Provided a character has completed Tutorial Island on Runescape, whether free-to-play or pay-to-play, the character is qualified to join United Freedom Fighters clan and as always . But You must Maintain RS and forum activity and attend as many Runescape events as possible and also show respect to all members and staff




Slogan: A new age in Runescape has begun. An age of freedom. All players will know that the United Freedom Fighters of Runescape will give their utmost to establish and defend it. No Retreat. No surrender








The united freedom fighters started In October 2005 and after 4 years we are still going strong though we are a Runescape clan, but we more than that, we are a Runescape movement representing free and open clanning in Runescape. A Runescape player of any level may join our clan or any of the other clans in the United Freedom Fighters movement. Other clans may also join us in our alliance and movement for free clanning.




We believe in free and open clanning for all Runescape players. Rather than being bound by rules we are led by our set of values. Consequently, we reject the model of restrictive clanning that forms exclusive clubs.




United Freedom Fighters Clan does not impose rules or restrictions and will not be raising the bar on others. We recognize those who join us by their agreement and embracing of our values.






  • PKing
    Bounty hunting
    Fun events
    War training




The UFF visionary clan council consists of these 3 players.


The visionary leader of UFF is top gun221.


The deputy clanleader of UFF is sephirothso0.


The wilderness marshall of UFF is Titanking23


Quotes from our member's

Doom735:This is an awesome clan ive been in it for just about 2 years and Ive had some great times in uff and i can guarantee ill have plenty more . We have our ups and downs but so does just about everything else in life :-P come join uff looking foward to some fresh faces :-D


Axindarkfire: This has been an AMAZING clan back in the day. We are going through a massive revival however. The EPICNESS is upon us!


We hope to see you very soon and some great events with you.

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