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There are two different types of guards in Falador, but neither entry has charms listed as drops right now:





If you could post a picture confirming the drop, I'd be more than happy to make the appropriate correction(s) and credit you, though. :)



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ok, I'll have to fight some more of them. I can gauruntee you i'll find a gold one, but I also found crimson and green ones which i might not find again unless i look really hard.


Edit: Here are some pictures of the drops I got from the guards including gold, green, and red charms.


Crimson charm


Gold charm

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On closer inspection, there are actually four (heh) different types of guards in Falador. That was my mistake. :oops:


I've renamed a few of the guard entries in light of this; hopefully, the new modifiers will clear up some of the confusion in the future.


Anyway, the guards you were killing (the ones at the northwest gate) are the level 21 variants, so I've credited you in that bestiary entry. Another crewbie and myself did a bit of additional research, but it doesn't appear (at first glance) that the other guards in Falador drop charms. Perhaps the matter needs to be given a more detailed look, but we thank you for your contribution, nevertheless. :)


I'm going to lock this thread for now, but, if you happen to learn anything more, then please feel free to pm me or create another thread. Thanks again for your work; it's most appreciated. :thumbup:

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