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Hello, I Recently bought a Saradomin Godsword, Im currently debating wwether to keep it or buy Full bandos with Dragonfire Shield and with whip. Can't decide so i'll see what you guys think,



Proud Owner Of The Quest Cape

Proud Owner Of The Attack Cape

Proud Owner Of The Defence Cape


Dragon Drops: 1 Shield Left Half, 2 Dragon Claws, 10 Dragon Platelegs, 4 Dragon Medium Helmets


GWD Drops: Gs shard 1: 3 times GS Shard 2: Nil GS shard 3: 2 times 1 Bandos Tassets, 1 Bandos Hilt 1 Bandos Boots, Armadyl Hilt, 3 Saradomin swords


Misc: Ranger boots, Dragonic Visage, Guthix bow,

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I love my SGS.


Bandos tassets are highly overrated. They should be the last item you ever buy when making the "perfect" outfit.


DFS is only useful at a handful of bosses and dragons. Anything else a GS or whip+defender combo is better.


Really depends what you enjoy doing though.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Slayer, Boss hunting, Gwd, Iron dragons. Kbd you know the stuff most rs'ers do



Proud Owner Of The Quest Cape

Proud Owner Of The Attack Cape

Proud Owner Of The Defence Cape


Dragon Drops: 1 Shield Left Half, 2 Dragon Claws, 10 Dragon Platelegs, 4 Dragon Medium Helmets


GWD Drops: Gs shard 1: 3 times GS Shard 2: Nil GS shard 3: 2 times 1 Bandos Tassets, 1 Bandos Hilt 1 Bandos Boots, Armadyl Hilt, 3 Saradomin swords


Misc: Ranger boots, Dragonic Visage, Guthix bow,

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I love my SGS.


Bandos tassets are highly overrated. They should be the last item you ever buy when making the "perfect" outfit.


DFS is only useful at a handful of bosses and dragons. Anything else a GS or whip+defender combo is better.


Really depends what you enjoy doing though.


I completly disagree with you. Bandos has very high stats and bonuses compared to most items in the game.


My advice would be to keep your current wepon and earn more money for bandos and DFS.

As he said above, DFS only has high defence bonuses, it has no attack bonuses while rune defender does.




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Proud Owner Of The Quest Cape

Proud Owner Of The Attack Cape

Proud Owner Of The Defence Cape


Dragon Drops: 1 Shield Left Half, 2 Dragon Claws, 10 Dragon Platelegs, 4 Dragon Medium Helmets


GWD Drops: Gs shard 1: 3 times GS Shard 2: Nil GS shard 3: 2 times 1 Bandos Tassets, 1 Bandos Hilt 1 Bandos Boots, Armadyl Hilt, 3 Saradomin swords


Misc: Ranger boots, Dragonic Visage, Guthix bow,

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Notice how I said the tassets are overrated, not the chestplate?

2+ strength is 0.5 to your max hit. The game always rounds down, so 0.5 (or even 0.9) would be 0.

1+ prayer is nothing at all really.




Veracs skirt has far better defense, is 1/15th of the price and 4+ prayer is far better then 1+ prayer and 0.5 of a max hit in 99% of situations.


Veracs skirt+zerker ring = more defense, higher max hit and costs less.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Sell the SGS, buy the other gear, that's way more useful in many of the CB situations you'll ever find yourself in.


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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