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i think we need more free quests


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It has nothing to do with not liking quests. It's a matter of the F2P world being limited to what it is, while the P2P world is continuously updated. No offense, but this is one of the *big* problems P2P have with F2P people: when they ask for the same benefits for which members pay.








Personally, I decided to become a member after I finished all the F2P quests, but now I raise my skills rather than work on the 7 quests or so I haven't done.









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Honestly, bar the rune mysteries quest, there has been all the same f2p quests since like the beginning of 2003. I did all the free quests before i became a member, and just trained up my skills and stuff for a while after i'd done them. Then became a member recently. There's a reason f2p dont get more quests, its because you arent bringing anything much in for jagex, i barely ever used to click their ads, i doubt alot of you do these days. Just be grateful for what you've got, and try harder to convince your parents.

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