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Story: Story of a Dead Man


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Alright, I cannot stress this enough, this story may not be suitable for young children, so do not read if you do not have a stomach.








Story of a Dead Man








WARNING, this story may not be suitable for young children at night, or people without strong stomaches.
































"Whoa, hold it Max, that's the third one!" the bartneder said. Max shook his head and stood up. Max was a normal sized man, with fair blonde hair and brown eyes that never seemed to be looking at anything in particular. Max walked out the door of the pub as the bartender sat down.








Max walked south from the Blue Moon Inn. "Never thought I'd see the day." Max said to himself. He turned a corner a pulled a key from his shorts. Max inserted it into a door and walked inside the house. "Wait, it's not time yet is it? Please! Not now!" Max screamed at a hiddden assailant.








A few minutes later a young boy walked around the corner. He saw the door open and peeked inside. The boy screamed and ran away from the house, because inside, was Max's body. Stab holes all through his body, blood trickling down onto the floor. He had been very poorly scalped, deep cuts through head, revealing bits of white bone,his corpse was hung from the ceiling light, and a knife had been thrust, right where his heart was, but worst of all, Max was still alive.












~Chapter One- Secrets~








"Who you think did it?" "I don't know, but that boys gunna have nightmares for, ooh." It was two of the Varrock police talking. The first one that spoke was looking pale, as he had been present at Max's autopsy. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and was also short and chubby. The other policeman was the exact opposite.




"Hey Jack, I think you should wait outside, they're packing up now." "Hey Rick, I'm alright, it's just...strange how they did that to him." Two men in white coats picked up a full bag. "Off he goes Jack, just like the bartender." Rick said. Jack hit him in the shoulder, "He just saw one of his closest customers gruesomely, yeah, I think his in a bit of shock." Jack replied. "No reason to punch me, i was just saying." Rick answered, rubbing his shoulder.




"Have they checked the place yet?" Rick suddenly quipped, changing the subject. "Yeah, but they left at all the same after searching." Jack answered as he walked across the room. Rick walked out the room and started to talk with another policeman. Jack fiddled with a light mounted on the wall, and classically, it pulled out, pulling back a wall. Jack looked in the opened room and turned white. Jack rushed towards Rick. "What's wrong?" Rick asked Jack. Jack replied with giving Rick a face-full of chewed fish and potatoes.




Inside the room, was a rotten skeleton, still with a bit of flesh hanging off of it. It was holding a book.








The book was a Journal, it belonged to Max...








Diary Page Three








30th year, January 30th, The First Age








Zaros has finally ended his rule, I can't believe it happened here, in the swamps! I mean, Zaros ruled here, oh well. Canifis is a nice place, but some people believe that the werewolves will take it over, he he he, I don't believe it. Oh well, being 21 no people believe me. Wait, I've got to go to sleep, Lord Zamorak's new rule, everyone in bed before 10:00. It's really annoying.




Had a strange dream about my father, he said a strange riddle, then turned into a hideous monster. I woke up straight away and wrote down the riddle, I can't make any sense of it, although I think I'm ment to be something. Here it is:








~The Salve's Secrets~








Deep down where the fishes cannot sleep




Is where the evil can seep




Right through to the proper world




Under there a being lies curled




Away from the globe to see








The evil know of this forbbiden path




The being stops their coming wrath




A helper protects the guardian at night




To stop evil from having their final delight




A terrible thing has happened to thee








At the turned points the enemy thought




About what the protector had been taught




And when they had rushed the guard




He fell down dead, unknown from bard's




A new one is needed for we








The secret is under a rusty gate




Dig when the ghosts are filled with hate








Riddle, or random song? I can't figure it out.








~Chapter Two- Riddles~

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~II Riddles~








"Riddles? What kind of stuff is this? I mean, under the Salve? Why would there be a tunnel, actually, under the Salve, and 30th Year of The First Age, puulleze! I mean, nothing except gods can live THAT long." Rick burst out. He was with Jack and they were walking to the Salve.




"Hey, maybe it's true, but obviously, we need to read more of Max's diary pages." Jack said, it was the day after, and the diary was in Jack and Rick's possession. "We can't you idiot, they're blank! It's obviously just a trick book." Rick snarled back at Jack. "THEN WHY WAS IT HIDDEN IN THE ROOM?" Jack screamed at Rick. Rick dropped the diary and tackled Jack.




Drezel came running down the path, "Gentlemen please, what are you doing, fighting at my doorstep?" Jack pushed Rick up and dusted himself off. "We're from the Varrock police and we've come to in check the River Salve described in some evidence we have found with a recent murder." Jack announced very professional-like. Rick snickered and jumped back as Drezel quickly pulled out a cross. "You are of noble heart, please follow me then." Drezel said after a few seconds, and led them to a gap in the fence.








They were at the side of the Salve when Rick opened the diary again. He turned to the blank page after the current full one. He walked down the river, and as he walked, more of the page became visible! After a bit, the whole page was visible, here it is:
















Next day








Hey, it turns out the poem thingy was right! I'll put it down again with the hidden meanings!








Deep down where the fishes cannot sleep - Very far down in the River Salve




Is where the evil can seep - Where Zamorak's creatures can escape




Right through to the proper world To the healthy world




Under there a being lies curled I shall not speak of this great evil mass, but I have seen it, and I must obe... anyway, continuing on!




Away from the globe to see Where noone dares to go








The evil know of this forbbiden path Zamorak's creatures know of this place!




The being stops their coming wrath The evil being is serving it's purpose




A helper protects the guardian at night When the guardian needs sleep, a choson help protects it




To stop evil from having their final delight To stop the creature's escaping




A terrible thing has happened to thee Something has happened ot the guardian








At the turned points the enemy thought When the guardian and the creature were swapping guarding shifts




About what the protector had been taught How the guardian had been taught




And when they had rushed the guard When they killed the guardian




He fell down dead, unknown from bard's He died, and not a soul knew, except for the killers and the creature




A new one is needed for we A new guardian is needed...








The secret is under a rusty gate The entrance is under a certain rusty gate




Dig when the ghosts are filled with hate And I must dig there, when the ghosts have been distracted








I went there, and i know what i must do












"Strange add." Rick muttered, but then screamed as the ground beneath him fell away. "I think we know where the exit is now..." Jack said through laughs

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Why did Jagex have to name that stupid priest "drezel"? It reminds me of a demon from the "cleric quintet" so when ever I hear it instead of thinking of a holy man I think of a short little bat like thing with a posion tail.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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~Discovery III~








"Why did you take so long?" Rick whined as Jack came down with Drezel. "I didn't want to hurt myself." Jack explained, trying to stifle his laughter. Rick punched with in the shoulder and started walking. The cave got narrower, but some how stayed bright. All along the walls were strange symbols.




"Look, this symbol is repeated in most of these markings." Drezel pointed out. The marking was ~. "I wonder what it is." Drezel wondered out loud. Then the whole cavern seemed to rumble. "That must be the beast!" Jack said, he had no smile on his face now. "Yes, we must get ready to fight it, or persuade it." Rick replied to his companions, quivering from head to toe. The whole cavern rumbled again, and up a head was a sharp turn. On the wall, was the symbol; ~. The three braced themselves, then turned around the corner and saw the hideous beast, that was in their way.

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III Discovery (cont.)








There wasn't a 'hideous' monster there, there wasn't anythign hideous at all, just a normal warrior, in full rune, with a rune 2 hander. The adventurer had a legends cape though, and he had boots of lightness.




"Hello? I am Rick, this warrior next to me is Jack, and this is the priest Drezel." Rick shouted out. The warrior turned around, "Leave now, none can pass, you are of noble heart, i do not wish to kill you."




"Are you the guardian?" Jack shouted out to him. "How could he be the guardian, he is not hideous! I bet we could defeat, Drezel could!" Rick whispered to Jack. Drezel overheard and said loudly, so the adventurer could hear, "You judge people on the outside, that is not what counts. What counts is what's on the inside, this man, could be the hideous guardian, on the inside."




"Smart priest you have there you two, what a shame." the adventurer replied. Jack and Rick were puzzled, but Drezel moved back in fear. "Drezel, what's wrong?" Jack asked. "Look what's on his sword." Drezel stuttered, nearly falling over. On the sword, was the symbol repeated over and over again on the walls, ~-. The adventurer smiled, and threw the two hander at Drezel.




A huge block of ice froze the sword and it flew against the wall. "Need a bit of help?" a voice called from around the corner. "Thank Saradomin you're here, two Varrock police need a hand with it!" Drezel cried. The voice grunted, then a seemingly floating Ancient Magiks staff floated around the corner. Then a face appeared, "Need help?" the mystery man asked. Rick and Jack nodded vigorously.




"I do not who you are, I do not care, all I do know is, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" the adventurer shrieked. His sword flung back into his hand. The adventurer charge at Rick. Rick stood, frozen with fear. "Duck!" the magiks man cried out. Rick stayed, and the adventurer got closer. "DUCK OR DIE!" the magiks man cried out at the top of his lungs. Jack kneed Rick just as smoke poured out of the staff, towards where Rick was standing.












Discovery IV








The smoke cleared as the adventurer groaned. The adventurer was looking sickly pale, and Rick was clutching his stomach. "Why'd you do that?" Rick moaned at Jack. The adventurer emptied his stomach out. "That's why." Jack said, laughing.




"Thank you, for saving us." Drezel said to the ancient magiks man. "Who are you?" Jack demanded. "I am Siler, I am Max's only child, he never grew old, when I was born he abandoned me. I promised I'd get a relationship with him, now it's to kill whoever killed him." "I see, would you help us?" Jack replied. "I would love to." Siler answered. "Let's get out of here." Drezel said

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