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Lag much?


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Is it just me, or throughout this weekend has it become very laggy. It's not general lag, everyso often, like every 20 minutes i will get this massive spike of lag which renders me incapabale of clicking anything for 10-15 seconds. I want to do TDs but i don't dare due to these bloody spikes of lag.


I don't recall getting such bad lag before the weekend, so i was wondering, is it just me? Or is anyone else getting lag =/

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Is it just me, or throughout this weekend has it become very laggy. It's not general lag, everyso often, like every 20 minutes i will get this massive spike of lag which renders me incapabale of clicking anything for 10-15 seconds. I want to do TDs but i don't dare due to these bloody spikes of lag.


I don't recall getting such bad lag before the weekend, so i was wondering, is it just me? Or is anyone else getting lag =/

I am too, and it's not on my end because I have a solid connection.


It's most likely due to the increased number of people on at any given time due to the bonus exp.

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