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totally bogus but possibly possible :) Citizens Arrest...


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Runescape Citizens Arrest! For those expert scammers that cheat us out of our hard earned money, I have not thought this all the way through but seeing as how reporting does absoltely nothing, the citizens of runescape should unite in cracking down upon these scoundrels. Maybe a court system of some sort or possibly instead of a court system maybe just a holding cell where players caught scamming and placed under citizens arrest can be held until further notice by jagex staff. I really dont know how this would be possible because you would have to hold a certain amount of proof. In fact forget that I ever mentioned it, it's a dumb idea... But feel free to comment.

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Not good. There is no valid way to make sure people don't abuse this function.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Too true.








But maybe a new random event called jury duty is implaced. But the catch is that the jury never knows what they are doing, it could be a player, a npc(makeing it non bias) and jagex people on the stand. a wrong conviction could happen by accident but the odds are low

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Not good. There is no valid way to make sure people don't abuse this function.








jagex looks at the bank script of the scammer and with the help of the person who was scammed i.e what items he/she lost and how much also jagex looks at past scirpt for that certain bank to see if the person who was scammed is tellin truth.

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