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Huge War 2


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There should be a huge war between all the different races(demons,gnomes,humans, etc.). And you get to choose who your alliance is. There would be a huge battle field three times the size of castle wars and there is a castle for each race (demon, gnome, human, etc.).








There would be a max of a hundred people per team. And you got a mask and the hands and feet of that race ( if you were demons you would have a demon mask like that of a lessers head and hooves and claws, you can still hold a wep and shield).








Every person on that team has 4 lives. When you lose a life you spawn at the temple of your castle and there will be a place were you can get bandades (only your team can get bandades at the table in your temple). After you die 4 times you are sent to a room with viewing orbs.








The point of the game is to kill the other teams kings in the time limit of 35 minutes. The kings are in the temple and have 150 hits each. The players on each team can heal the king by using bandages on him/her (for fairies and other female only races). And the team with the most enemy kings killed wins either if all other kings are dead or time is up.








If your king is killed your whole team is teleported to a waiting room outside of the war zone. If your team wins you get as many tickets as you have other kings killed. And if there is a tie each team gets half of the kills they got.









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Battering Ram- Needs 6 people to push




@=person []=ram
























It would destroy the attack castle gate in 6-10 swings depending on the 6 peoples overall strength levels.




It would need 20 planks (game provided), 80 nails (game provided), a hammer (game provided) and at least 2 people to make 1








Ballistae- Can be place on walls and moved around on the field.




Takes 3 people to move and operate ( 2 to pull bolt back and 1 to fire)
















Needs 15 planks, 70 nails, a hammer and some bolts (game provided), and 2 ropes (game provided.








Trebuchet-can be placed on walls and moved around field (has to be packed).




takes 5 people to move when packed
























It can destroy enemy castle walls




when unpacked it needs a rock covered with olive oil and lit using a tinder box (game provides all)








To build you need 30 planks, 100 nails, and 4 ropes.

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The castles: have a huge main gate




the walls and gate can be repaired form attack




there are tunnels underground to leave through other than the main gate




Temple has all the materials needed to build siege weps




Temple is in the very back and has two floors and out side are patches of ground to make siege weapons on




The walls have to be hit 5 times by a battering ram or a trebuchet to collapse.




Items are rope, nails, planks, repair kits, olive oil, rocks, hammers, pick ( for mining bigger tunnels), tinderboxes, baricades (boxes, speared cades, and swamp tar), and bandaides ( only usable by the castles team)




King is in temple




hallways surrounding the temple leading to a courtyard surrounded by the walls

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Rewards: Mask of every race= 15 tickets




gloves of every race= 7 tickets




boots of every race= 10 tickets




peasant plate = 8 tickets




peasent legs= 6 tickets




peasant shield= 5 tickets




peasant knife= 7 tickets




peasant cloak= 4 tickets




man at arms plate = 80 tickets




man at arms legs= 60 tickets




man at arms shield= 50 tickets




man at arms blade= 70 tickets




man at arms cape= 40 tickets




knightly plate= 180 tickets




knightly legs= 160 tickets




knightly shield= 150 tickets




knightly blade= 170 tickets




knightly cape= 140 tickets




kingly plate= 280 tickets




kingly legs=260 tickets




kingly shield= 250 tickets




kingly blade= 270 tickets




kingly cape= 240 tickets








peasant=as good as iron




man at arms=as good as black




knightly=as good as mith




kingly=as good as addy

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Good ideas but there should be some planing involved though, like:








A leader gets elected(if they leave then the game stops for a moment and another is elected)








the leader gets the same number of tokens as they have on their team








The tokens can be used to buy things like item respawns and such that are inside the castle.








The tokens can also be used to buy npc fighters that are under the control of the leader(the leader is not in the battle)








This would mean that instead of wave after wave of noob goes through then a bunch of 100's to mop up the mess, the engagement would begin that the leader sent the npcs out into the battle to fight the other team.








Get rid of all the extra tunnels and locked doors, just one entrance and the walls(scaling ladders and such defences) the doors were controlled by the leader so they wern't left open.








This way planning would be important as you can't run across the battlefield in a kamakazi while noobs follow you, these soften the defences and then highers mop up the others. Instead the kamakazi's are taken out by the npc fighters, the highers take out the npcs and then die against the players behind that. This draws a battle to a stalemate.








The battle has no termination, if no one else is on the teams then you dont get anything for the items you get, where as if there is 1 person on the team then rewards are worth little, the more people on the other team(taken by how many you have) the more points you would get. The point would then be changed into semi-tokens, these could be kept or given to the leader to get more stuff.








This means that it is upto everyone on your team not just the person that can get to the top first.








The rewards come from 2 places, either a guardian in the temple room or from a chest (70 Theieving) in the temple room. Once the chest is opened then you are hit by a npc Guardian(150) and have to fight to the death.












If you die 4 times within 10 minutes you are taken out of the game for 5 minutes then returned.








Entering the game is simple just enter a portal, you then are taken to the team of choice, unless there is a non-active team in which case you go there.








If a team has 0 token and no chance of turning the game around then they are booted and then restarted when more people join.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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