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Xbox Cables


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First I don't know if this should be in here or off topic or whatever. But if a mod would be kind enough to move it for me if it is placed incorrectly.








Now that I got that out of the way. I've been thinking about changing my xbox screen from a TV to a projector. But The RGB cables won't allow me hae sound along with video. For example. My projector is on the celing and the stero (sp) is on the floor. I need the video plug (yellow) to be in the projector and the audio (red and white) to be in my stero.








In other words I was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I could buy a RGB cable that has all three wires in their own wire. (In the standard cable, they are all in one cable untill at the end) Also I need it to be around 50 feet long. Thanks for anyones help. :)

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Any eletronics store , best buy , circuit city , radioshack will carry single RCA cables that you need :)








I'm not very familiar with the xbox setup as i dont have one , you MIGHT need a RCA cable splitter if the xbox has its own custom plug on its actual console :)

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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