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A Final Way To Stop Autoers and offensive people!


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What if jagex put runescape on a cd(this would be a new and improved version) that you can buy from any computer store. In on the case there is a cd key that you have to type for it to install the game. If you got banned on the cd version u couldnt make another account with the game disc.








So all the autoers who got banned would have to buy a new cd at aroung $40 so they wouldnt want to spend that much to buy a game again thus lowering the ammount of annoying and offensive players with autoers.








I don't think that jagex would do this but I think if they did it would stop alot of autoers and offensive people. Then jagex will have more time for cool updates not the stuff we have been getting lately (it was a lot better the last 7 months ago).








Please no flaming and i will make a support list as soon as i get some!

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You would still have to download all the updates. So basically you would be paying just for a piece of media with a key on it. There are much more efficient ways of distributing licence keys.








Plus, doing it this way would kill off their f2p version meaning less people attracted to the members version of the game. I know I'd have never started playing if I'd had to go out and buy the CD just to see what it was like.

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Uh a cd would suck. I use Linux and Firefox. Members already pay to play why would we want to pay for a cd?








In my case I pay $5.50 a month because of the currency difference.








Personally I don't really see what the big deal is about autoers. Most of them cut yews or magics, fish sharks, run flax or mine ess. We all need those items and we all buy them. I've never ran a macro , wouldn't even know where to start.








As for rare items like p hats and santas ; they are a stupid waste of bank space. If an item doesnt serve a purpose its not taking up my bank space. Who cares if it is worth millions?








I play to have fun because I enjoy the game not to be a millionaire in RS. Heck I don't even have a whip. Merching is so freaking boring.








Maybe now I can sell my sharks for 1k instead f having ppl tell me they are only worth 800 ea.


Proud member of Affliction

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Have u heard of how well world of warcraft is selling so it would bring more people and that would mean more money for jagex. Then they could hire more staff and then make cooler updates. And craigevil i am an apple user so i know wat its like but they made world of warcraft a mac/windows hybrid along with all of the blizzard games and they probably would make for linux.








This would be a good thing to do because it would attract more people to it and then it might win the best game of year or best mmorpg of the year award.

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