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I'll admit I've never PKed in Runescape, so maybe there's already something like this, even though I haven't seen any mention of it. I think Jagex should add a system to PKing where you get an ear for every kill you make. For those of you who played Diablo, I'm thinking of basically the same system.








Yes? No? Maybe so?

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id say a skull, they could take those two useless ones out of the wildy, and you get one for each kill you do

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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What is the point of those sculls?








Is it possible to use them in the F2P restless ghost quest???








Also, oftopic, did you know that you cant die in tutorial island? When you get down to one hp, you get hit for 0 all the time. cool.

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i think after you kill the person there should be a very short animation of you picking out one of his eyes. and you could keep an eye in your inv. and when you hover your curser over it, it shows the name of the guy you killed. and you oculd right click the eye and you could get his combat stats including the following: att, str, def, magic, range, prayer, hp








so yea itll show his stats of when you killed him and his current/updated stats. idk i think it would be a little fun








and theres a special little bank where you store the eyes of the ones youve killed. oh and all eyes are non tradable of course

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This would be ok but...








a) if it was a stackable item, then some people would just kill eachother over and over again for fun.








B) unless they were tradeable, you couldn't show em off ;)








I think it could work with POH's.. maybe have a board similar to the Duel Arena one at your house.








Just my thoughts :wink:


Proud Owner of a Fire Cape

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I think if the eyes were showing stats, it should only show the combat level at the time you killd them. Otherwise, it's just taking up a lot of space. They definitely shouldn't be tradeable in my opinion, and I really like the idea of a board where you can show them off, if we ever get POHs.

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Do Runescape characters even have ears? Or knees? ELBOWS?








Cutting ears of victims sounds like a little too violent for Jagex :D. They'd probably go with some kind of record of every player you've killed sorta thing, and what level they were when you did it.

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id say a teeth :lol:








So u can make teeths necklace (all name are listed when examine, so other peoples can examine it in trade :idea:

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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