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No Internet


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Wednesday Surewest upgraded our cabble system, we also have Surewest for our Internet and phone. When they were over the Internet to my computer shut down and it didnt work for the rest of the day. When I turned my computer back on today to my surprice the Internet worked, well a little.








Since then a message saying that the local area connection is unpluged has been poping up every 20 or so seconds on both computers. When that message popsup I can not post or do anything on the Internet for about 10 seconds otherwise it gives me a cannot connect to server error, when I play runescape everything just freases.








I beleve that the router is taking turns with our connection now. So instead of having us use the connection simutanisly it gives each of us about 5 seconds at a time.








I am wondering how I can fix this. It was not doing this before wednesday.

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just call ur providers tech support. the would probably be more aware of the situation.








try resetting ur modem AND router though.. there should be a tiny little hole on both of them, get a needle and press them in and wait for it to finish blinking.

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It may be possible that the problem is with them and not you.








I know with our local cable provider when they slow our speeds, i get a "network cable unplugged" message, so im having a wild guess here that it may be something wrong with their severs.








Its probably wise to get in contact with them and ask about it because hopefully they would know more about their own services than a bunch of forum users would, not saying that other users cant help you, its just that they should know whats wrong and if they dont, they should go and fix it for you.

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