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Keylogg question


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I was wondering if Antispyware would pick up keyloggers.... cause ATM i dont have viral protection.. only spyware



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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Both anti-virus and anti-spyware software normally go after keyloggers, although some keyloggers that need to be installed locally are not classified as either spyware or viruses and hence are not caught.








You can get antri-virus software for free, read the stickies.

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OK... so will my computer be ok for now? cause all i got right now is antispyware... my antivirus is being stupid ATM..



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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I edited my post as you replied, you might want to re-read it.








One anti-spyware program isn't going to catch every malicious program on your computer, and it won't protect you from viruses. That isn't to say that you will definitely get a virus unless you have an anti-virus program running.








Fix your anti-virus ASAP and, as always, don't click links from people you don't trust, accept files that you're not certain are safe, etc.

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