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Calling all Cs 1.6 Players


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Next Friday will be .oL's first Frag Friday. Frag friday is a contest held by the .oL clan. It is a contest in who could get the most kills in 60 minutes on de_dust2. The person who can get the most kills will be awarded one of the following:


- FTP Account


- Free gaming website


- Admin for a week*




After you choose one on the oL website there will be a news with the winner, screenshots and more. Your rank on the .oL Forums will turn into "Frag Friday Winner" which you can view certain forums that other people cant. If you are the winner or runner up you also have a choice to join .oL clan or not.




--The times will be posted later so come back..


---All TIP it members are welcomed to come


----If your from Tip it please put your name as "NAME:IT"


-----Post here if you plan on going for I can reserve a slot for you.




Any questions?


Email: [email protected]


MSN: [email protected]


Aim: tuffy73




Later on:


Next month there will be another contest, but will be giving away much better things, such as games.. CS:S, BF2 your pick!

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