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So, why do we have halberds?


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I am sick to death of all this pseudo-intelligent banter going on. I'm 16 years old,


and as the captain of my high school debate team, I know my share of big words


and how to make an intelligent arguement. To all you guys saying all these things


about medi-evil culture and the exact use of this certain medi-evil weapon,


just keep in mind that most of us are teenagers, and ALL of us are discussing


an online game.




Go flaunt your massive vocabulary elsewhere. The people who try to sound


like ivy-league graduates are, in my opinion, worse than the people without


a glimmer of intelligence.




EDIT: Sorry, just noticed the time of the last post before mine. Well, I made


a good point anyway.


Oh yeah. That's right.

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I am sick to death of all this pseudo-intelligent banter going on. I'm 16 years old,


and as the captain of my high school debate team, I know my share of big words


and how to make an intelligent arguement. To all you guys saying all these things


about medi-evil culture and the exact use of this certain medi-evil weapon,


just keep in mind that most of us are teenagers, and ALL of us are discussing


an online game.




Go flaunt your massive vocabulary elsewhere. The people who try to sound


like ivy-league graduates are, in my opinion, worse than the people without


a glimmer of intelligence.




EDIT: Sorry, just noticed the time of the last post before mine. Well, I made


a good point anyway.




Well, alright. Since you're so intelligent, how about you look at the meaning of suspension of disbelief? You play the game with the assumption that your character is "real" within the fantasy world, and you'd hope to hell that at least a few things made sense.




So suddenly there's something wrong with thinking about things from an in-game standpoint? If it makes you THAT uncomfortable that people might be willing to think in-character and yet still be functioning members of society, then nobody asked you to post.

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