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Thankyou Mr. Man


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I was in the Fishing Guild, Fishing lobsters when suddenly a Man popped out of nowhere. I was quick to kill him and Taa Daa! He dropped a clue scroll.




'Look upstairs in a drawer in houses in Seers village'


So I ran to Seers and went straight to the spinning wheel house and searched the draw upstairs.




'Look in a crate downstairs in a house in Seers village'


So I went over to the house with the crate in it and BAM! Wizard Hat (t), Studded Body and an Air Staff. Oooh, ran straight in the bank wearing my fancy new hat when some guy says 'I'll buy your hat, 100k'. This was way more than I expected, so I traded it and I am now 100k more richer.




Thankyou guy from the Fishing Guild :D

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wow, u r one lucky man....half my lv 1 clues r just junk like some noted salmon and coins....


btw, is that MAN always @ the fishin guild?

Fire cape - 10th attempt - 28/10/06

94 Magic Achieved December 26th 2006|99 Magic Achieved January 20th 2007


Jack and Jill went up the hill

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