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Hey My first pixel Picture ^^


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Hey guys I'm new here I saw some of these Runescape sigs and just fell in love so I decided to "Try"! And learn to pixel draw.


I have been messing around with it zooming in and out and then decided to do something so I just got my pencil out and sketched an Ogre type thing and copied from that ^^ This is were I am atm








Some help needed if possible with the Eyes I dunno how to make them look good :\


And I need help with the shading :| I'm happy with it atm but then again that's me and I only jsut started so I was pretty amazed at what I did ^^.


But yeh alot more can be done to it ^^.




(Body Shoulders etc I will do when I am more confident).




(The ogre got slashed in the head :s.)




I added if you see 2 colours for the cut


1 is the slit skin


and the other brighter red is the flooding blood ^^




Thx ^^






Latest ~





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Wow, lots of c/c to give, but thats why you post!




    -the shading *shivers* dither, dont make it in 3 big chunks, smaller less big differences
    -Eyes, why are they like bent arrow heads? make them like circles, and his left one is like.. bulging out. we shouldnt be able to see it from this angle
    -when you made the ear, its obvious you didnt zoom. go in there and take out those extra pixels.
    -Where is his neck?!?! make a neck and chin for him
    -The nose is.. umm. not then really, its just a small dot. Noses stick out
    -whats with the top of the mouth curving in? a mouth sticks out, not it.
    -**I like the way the blood runs down**
    -Zoom in to make ALL of you lines, not zoom out for some zoom in for others.
    -dont make the lines so jagged like the back of his head
    -The back of his head should be round. Not flat
    -The sun was brushed in.. Not pixeling ;-)
    -Make the line work for all of the pic, then flat coloring, then dithering (AKA:shading)


Ill probably find some more. Please update it though. I like it for a first.

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Meh thx guys It was my first pixel picture so i was expecting alot more :D


The person who posted first


My background ?? I havn't got a background i just did it blue because.. lol . I dunno I just made it blue ^^


The sun isn't meant to be good I'm just showing were my light source was




LOL The eyes are bent arrows because they are his horns LOLOLOL


Look carefully they are horns and bellow the horn is his eye rofl not a good one. The back of the head indeed needs to be sorted out ^^ I didn't spot that and the ear I fergot ^^.


Thx guys keep the CC Coming x]








New pic Err don't laugh :|








I had a shot at an RS Guy It's really bad ^^ Just showing




(I have done nothing to it yet like fix all the pixels up LOL.

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