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Public TeamSpeak Server!


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For those of you who don't know what TeamSpeak is, here is the description from the TeamSpeak Homepage: http://www.goteamspeak.com




"TeamSpeak is a quality, scalable application which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak consists of both client and server software. The server acts as a host to multiple client connections, capable of handling literally thousands of simultaneous users. This results in an Internet based teleconferencing solution that works in a variety of applications such as team mates speaking with one another while playing their favorite online game, small businesses cutting costs on long distance charges, or for personal communication with friends and family."




What that means is that you can, using a microphone connected to your PC, talk to other people online (just like using AIM or Yahoo Messenger and your mic), and play your game. This was created with gameplay in mind though.




The reason for this post, though is to let you know that I have gone and created a public teamspeak server for ALL who want to join. Although I do caution you that there is a max of 25 users allowed on at a time, and that if you are going to be lame or rude, I will ban you from the server, or worse, make it password protected.




If you are interested in helping other users out without having to type, or just meeting new people to level up skills with, just download the TS client from their homepage, and hit the connect button. Then go to the Web Server List tab, set your filter to show servers containing Runescape, and look for "Runescape Public Non-Clan" in the resulting list. Connect and start talking.




If you need help, refer to their homepage, as I do not provide tech support.




The server will be operational 24/7 (except for when I have to reboot), and once I get around to it, I will get a dedicated linux box to host the server, so that it will be rebooted less often, and will have a higher user limit! If you would like to donate toward me getting a dedicated server, just send me a private message and I will gie you instructions for sending me money via paypal.




Thanks all and enjoy!





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