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direct to __ world? url?


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how can i go right to the page that has, for example world 2.




i remember back in rsc that it just had all the worlds urls saved and you copuld just type it in




does it still work?




does anyone have the url?




is there another way to get past the deadly white text that plagues world 2?










note: viewing sourse comes up with nothing, page info- nothing, bookmark- nothing

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you can actually load a world and add it to your browsers bookmarks and it will go directly to the applet , but im not quite sure if Jagex likes people doing that ...

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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you can actually load a world and add it to your browsers bookmarks and it will go directly to the applet , but im not quite sure if Jagex likes people doing that ...
What browser are you using?




I can make it work if I disable javascript (either globally or site by site using an extension like noscript) and then right click on a link to a world and bookmark it. Firefox, Windows XP.

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