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Paybyphone help PLEASE HELP if you have used paybyphone!!


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Im having trouble with subscribing so I thought I could ask the great forum members of tip.it to help me out. (this is to Australia peeps only unless you know what im talking about so please dont spam I really need the help)




Ok the question is, what numbers do I put in, say if I put in (IN THIS EXACT FORMAT)= (02)12341234 will it work!




Or do I have to put it as 0212341234 as one whole number (by the way, 02 in the brackets is the area code im calling from.




Thanks a lot and please help me out!

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This I am not truly sure, living in the states. Usually if you enter in data though a website, if it is incorrectly entered, you will get a note back, or when u subscribe it wont let you continue, or log into members server, this in whcih you will have to go back and try again.


If all else fails, send jagex an e-mail about it, im sure they can help you some.




Hope I helped out a little bit...


If ya got more questions feel free to pm me (in this forum) and I can try to help out.



Proud Member Of The Wilderness Guardians:


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Okay, so because I live in victoria my number looked like this when it asked me to try it in.


0354187083 (thats my old number XD) And yes, you just punch it in, you have to have an area code.


Then they give you a code and you slap it into the page. simple. (don't close the page as you call, all hell breaks loose)

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